Twilight Town

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I wasn't sure how long  I was out for, but I woke up to the sound of worried voices and three silhouettes over me. "Is he dead?" one of them asked. 

"of course not Pence. He is breathing, but he is unconscious." A male voice responded. 

" Hayner! Pence! Move he needs his afternoon meal. He has been out for a few weeks." a female voice chided. 

"oh good he woke up. How are you feeling?" 

I looked up at her "Fine I guess. Where am I exactly?" I asked. 

The kid named Hayner answered, "You are in our secret hideout in Twilight Town." 

The other male who I guessed was Pence climbed in. " I'm Pence, that is Hayner and she is Olette."

" Who are you," Olette asked. 

"oh, I'm Spark." 

Wanting to be a part of the action again Hayner asked "Where are you from?" 

" Destiny Island" 

there was a long silence "Where's that" Hayner asked. 

" yeah where is that," asked the other two. There was another long awkward silence, 

" any way how about a tour of your lovely home." I asked. Olette smiled and looked at her friends. " that sounds like a great idea"

Throughout the tour Pence bombarded me with questions " So who are you exactly? Do you have any friends? Do you have siblings? Do you speak English? Are you from a parallel universe? Why is your hair grey? Where do you get that tattoo?"

 I smiled "I'm Spark and I have lived on an island for my entire life. my friends are named Sora, Kairi, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie. I have a twin brother named Riku. Yes, I speak English, no I'm not from a parallel universe, I think I'm from another world. I was born with grey hair and I do not have a tattoo." 

Pence looked at me confused. " then what is that" he asked.

I glanced down at my arm and there was a strange symbol on my wrist. " huh when did I get this"

 "leave the guy alone, Pence, he was just unconscious for three weeks" Hayner chided. Hayner, Pence, Olette, and I walked all over town. Soon we got to a large hole in a wall 

"What's in there," I asked. 

Hayner smiled wickedly "The haunted old mansion, one of the seven wonders of this town." After the tour, we walked back to the hideout 

"So what's there to do for fun around here?"I asked. " Well in the summertime there's the beach and the struggle tournament, but when summer ends we have to go to school." 

I stared at them confused "School, what's that?" 

They looked shocked " You don't go to school!?!" 

" Sooo anyway what's the struggle tournament?" I asked. 

Hayner's face lit up "Thought you'd never ask, it's when people spare each other with foam bats and collect each other velcro balls".

  "Sounds fun, where do I sign up?" over the next few days Hayner and I practiced for the tournament 

"You're pretty tough Spark," Hayner commented exhausted. 

"Thanks, I used to spare Sora and my brother all the time"

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