Castle Oblivion(upper levels)

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"So you're the fourth" Zexion commented as I walked in. "Xemnas said you would work with both groups" I gave him a weak smile, "oh look, the boss's prodigy" Vexen spat. Now feeling that I wasn't welcome down here I decided to begin my mission upstairs, scanning the room I saw Marluxia, Larxene, and Axel. "Arx?! You're here too, wait does that mean you got your first mission today?" he ran up and hugged me. " congrats" Larxene glared at me "oh look, it's island trash, makes sense the boss adores him. I hope the keyblade brat erases him." Marluxia briefed me on the mission."...So, Arxpks you will greet Sora on the fourth, eighth, and twelfth floor " I went to the basement to get briefed on my mission there, "ah, Arxpks you're finally here for your briefing, You will guide Riku through the basement." "fine, but I do have other duties". I said while stepping through a portal. Axel walked over to me " I thought you were down below, but we can hang in the monitor room until we have to work."

Axel and I watch as the other three roughed Sora up "Wow, he isn't that strong" commented Axel. I laughed "isn't it your turn to fight Sora??" looking disappointed Axel porltaled down. "who are you" yelled Sora. Axel said nothing he only fought him, gave him his new card, and left. " I can't believe you used to be friends with that dork," Axel commented. "I know, he was always quite annoying, anyway I better get ready for our little reunion" I laughed. I stepped out of a portal just as Sora exited the 3rd floor, and greeted him by throwing a dark ball at him. "great, it's that crazy lady." Sora complained.  "do I look like a girl to you" I yelled. Sora ran toward me and tried to hit me with his keyblade, but knowing he would do this I move away "how many of you are there" he yelled. smirking I blasted him with more darkness "finally asking good questions are we?" Sora screamed in rage "WHO ARE YOU!!!" "wow, I thought you knew me Sora, I'm hurt" I teased. Sora's face lit up "Riku! I'm so glad I found you, let's leave and go back to the island, Kairi is waiting for us" I laughed "guess again, but I don't think you remember me, so let's spare, just like old times. that might jog your memory" I summoned my keyblade, Sora did the same, his weird new friends at his side. "I don't think your 'friends' understand Sora, I said just like old times, so your duck and dog have to leave." He nodded, and his friends left "JUST TELL ME, WHO ARE YOU" he yelled. I just laughed "now Sora, I thought you were the friendly one, don't tell me you've forgotten that too." our battle didn't last long, I bent down and handed Sora his new card and left. On the eighth floor, I messed with Sora some more and continued to refuse to tell him who I was, gave him his card, and left. When I returned, Larxene and Axel greeted me "wow, you really got keyblade brat mad" Larxene laughed. "Good job" Axel chimed. Marluxia entered not long after "good, Arxpks is back," he turned to me "Are you willing to overthrow the organization?" I glanced toward Axel, he nodded, so I agreed. Looking pleased he gave the order to eliminate the basement crew. "Taking over will be a piece of cake" Larxene cheered.

As Sora neared the twelfth floor I decided that I was going to tell Sora who I was. I stepped out of the portal Sora didn't miss a beat, he started attacking me " slow down their Sora, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself" he stopped "I don't get you, first you taunt me, then you try to kill me, now you're worried about me? What do you want, and who are you?" "think Sora, you lived on the island with three other people, one is Riku, one is Namine, now think who was the third." Sora just stood there puzzled "I don't remember their name, but there was a third, I remember that much." Knowing that Sora wouldn't remember, I pulled down my hood, and Sora stared at me for the longest time "Spark, Is that you?" What happened to you, you used to be so happy?" I handed Sora his last card, "'nice to see you again" I said. "now to answer your question, I was shown the truth, what you really thought of me." 

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