Brother Battle(lower levels)

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When I saw Riku again, just I gave him a card and left. "Wow, you're no fun" Vexen chided. "you should have knocked him around more, or revealed yourself." I glared at him. "that takes all the fun out of it, and why would I want to hurt physically, when I could mentally hurt him." "That wasn't the assignment, the assignment was to get him to fall back into darkness." by now I was done with him so I responded " that is what you did with me, and look, I turned out just fine" Vexen sighed. "you're not wrong, I guess we will do this your way kid." When Riku entered the 12th basement, Riku approached me "Who are you" I laughed. "nobody" "fine if you won't answer me I'll find out myself." he yelled while pulling out a keyblade. "fine if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get" I said and pulled out mine. "why do you have one unless you're Sora, but, he would never fall into darkness." "that's what he thought about you, what would he think about you if he knew you fell into darkness." I laughed. Riku lunges at me "how do you know about that" he yelled. "how cute, but you're forgetting someone". he stopped " My brother wouldn't either, he was too quiet and nice." I laughed. "you'll be surprised what the truth can do, now take these and continue your journey", I said while handing him two new cards. I went upstairs and told Axel, he laughed "so when are you going to tell him?" "next time I see him, I can't wait to see the look on his face." I laughed.

When Riku exited the 11th floor, I was there waiting, "what did you do to him" he yelled. Walking closer "Wow, playing the pronoun game are we, but to answer your question about what I did to him, nothing" Riku didn't see pleased, "just tell me if he's alright." "how about no."Riku tried to punch me, "you killed him didn't you" I dodged with ease," I have killed many, and I don't remember any grey-haired boys" he pulled out his keyblade and swung at me with tears in his eyes " I never told you what he looked like." laughing I pulled out mine, and began attacking, landing ever hit, " I expected more of a fight Yama*" I teased. "now try not to die as quickly as your brother." screaming in rage Riku dashed toward me" YOU KILLED HIM! WHY DID YOU DO IT?" he screamed, "HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG!!!" I decided to give him the pleasure of landing a few hits, so I didn't try to dodge.

*Yama, Spark's nickname for Riku meaning mountain.

"Are ya done yet?" I asked.  "look I didn't kill him, I just said he died quickly". He stopped "If you didn't do it, then who did? Unless you're lying, nobody scum!" I snarled " I have a name, ya know" "Then tell me, WHO ARE YOU?!" he yelled. I bent in close to his face "did you forget, your little Kean, how quiet he was, he had told you about the phantom he was seeing and you dismissed that as a silly game." I said, "now take a look at what happened because to that." I pulled down my hood. "S-Spark?" Riku asked."What happened to you?" backing up I explained, "First off, my name is Arxpks, second after our home was destroyed, I was forgotten by everyone, I waited for you or Sora to find me, and I looked everywhere for both of you. YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOOK, DID YOU? YOU WERE TOO BUSY OBSESSING OVERPOWER THAT YOU FORGOT ME, YOUR OWN BROTHER! DID YOU EVEN CARE THAT I WAS MISSING? For a whole year all I wanted was to return to the island with you, Sora, and Kairi, but I guess destiny had other plans for me." Riku frowned "I had no means of travel so..." "Then how did you get here." I interjected. "What about you wanting to leave me on the island when the raft was finished, how do you explain that huh? He began to back up "how did you find out about that?" he stammered. "Zexion showed me the truth" I calmly stated. " Now I know what you really". "We were never being serious," he said defensively. "But you were thinking about it, right" I retorted. "anyway, here is your card. Oh you'll have new guides, my work here is done."

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