The tournament

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Weeks passed by, Hayner and I continued to practice. " So when is the tournament?" I asked. 

" A week from today" Hayner answered. The next day, I decided to walk around town by myself. When I got to an open area I saw a tall boy practicing for the struggle tournament.

 " Wow, you're good" I commented. The boy whipped around, looking annoyed when he saw me.

"Wow, I can't even get some time to practice before someone from Hayner's group comes along and distracts me." another tall boy stood up but this one had way more muscle than the first 

"Let Seifer practice, he needs to be in top shape ya know" 

The kid named Seifer smiled "alright kid if you want to keep bugging me let's see what you got."

As our battle continued we started to draw a crowd, "you're good, where did you learn to fight like that" I ignored his question and knocked his baton out of his hand. 

" I win," I said walking away, I looked up to see Hayner and Pence standing at the edge of the sandlot.

 " So you hung out with Siefer today," Hayner asked looking betrayed 

"I would never, you're like a brother to me Hayner" I explained. " he wanted to spare with me so I did."

Days passed since I beat Seifer, I didn't train much, I just explored the town. As I was headed back I noticed two cloaked people talking, so I snuck over to them. " so you're sure he planted the seed?" one of them asked.

"yes, now it's up to the gambler and the nymph. The puppet will surely lose at the gambler's game." I walked away confused when I got back my friends were sitting in the secret hideout.

"Spark we need to talk," Olette said. 

"Sure what's up," I said. 

" You need somewhere to stay because you can't sleep here forever," Hayner remarked. That night I went home with Hayner and stayed with him. I woke up the next day to find Hayner standing over me "Wake up champ, it's struggle time" he cheered. We walked to the sandlot and got ready.

The first match me versus some kid named Vivi, easy win, my next match, me versus Seifer, win. In the semi-finals, I was up against Hayner, and win, there was a short break then it was the final match, me against the reigning champion Setzer which was a hard-fought win.

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