Chapter 3: The Argonaut

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Same Day

Third POV

"Lady Athena! Art thee fine?" Apollo shook her after they watched the man fly off.

Athena snapped back to reality, raising her hands to her forehead and massaging her temples. "I am fine."

"What happened to thou?"

"He did not do much. I am fine, as I said before, Lord Apollo." Athena walked away from him and walked up to Ares, who was staring at the placed he disappeared. 

"Thee grow weak, Lady Athena." he sneered.

She said nothing, too shocked by what happened. She knew the man could easily defeat Ares, so she kept quiet. What exactly had happened? She thought he was Kronos, but she wasn't kind towards Kronos. But towards this man she was. Who was he? How was he so powerful? These were the questions that bounced around in Athena's mind. 

The two had been flying for a long time now, and were in the midst of a unkindness of ravens. The ravens had came along and decided the man and his pegasus were friends. In fact, the man was attracted to the ravens. They seemed to understand him in a way, and he enjoyed their company. When they cawed, he understood them. Weird, right?

They had all been talking to one another, and the man loved to hear their stories. That is until they had to split. Sort of.

Milord, our destination is down there. Said the pegasus.

The ravens understood, and started to fly away. Except one followed. 

"Aren't thou going with the others?" asked the man, clearly amused.

The raven cawed. I shalt stay with thee.

"If thee say so, my friend."

The raven flew ahead, and perched on top of the man's shoulder as he landed. The pegasus trotted in front. The man followed the pegasus inside the cave, where there was a tiny fire going. The cave smelled of dust and grime, the rocks a dark color. A young man was tended to the fire, putting pieces of wood in the center. He flipped a piece of meat over the man-made grill, and smelled the meat sighing contentedly. As soon as he walked in, the other man noticed him. He got up quickly and unsheathed his sword.

"Show thyself!"

The man raised his hands in surrender as he stepped forward, shone upon in the light. The man with the sword studied him, recognizing him immediately. He raised his sword higher, at the man's neck.

"Kronos," he said.

"Try again," the man replied. 

"Thou eyes art golden. Thee art Kronos. It's quite simple."

The man closed his eyes, and when he opened them they were white. "Golden is an attribute I received from defeating Time. My eyes be white, Jason."

The man with the sword now known as Jason stood a little shocked, before steeling himself and drawing blood at the man's neck. The man glared at Jason before ducking, kicking the sword up, and catching it in the air while pushing Jason back. The man quickly pushed Jason against the wall, sword at his abdomen.

"I didn't come here to fight, but I can. I need answers."

Jason's eyes narrowed, before nodding at him. The man lowered the sword and walked over to the fire, and Jason followed and sat down. He grabbed the meat that was cooking and cut it in half, offering some to the man. He took it and started to eat his raven once again at his shoulder. Jason scampered away.

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