Chapter 18: The Lernaean Hydra

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Back in Time

Percy POV

We had ate a bit after Athena and Artemis left. 

I had also gotten to know this past version of Artemis better. She was very confident, yet very shy at times. Of course, Artemis was very charismatic. She lured me towards her, and I could tell she enjoyed my presence. I could tell, however, she was still new to this idea. I mean, seriously, a man comes from the future, tells you, a man-hating maiden goddess, the patron of man-hating young maidens, that you're her mate. 

It is odd indeed. 

Athena and I met under different circumstances. Alone, in a dry plain, where our eyes stared deep into each other's souls and our bodies connected. We felt the connection willingly. I grabbed Artemis's hand forcefully, turning her around, and she finally understood. But something told me I had to, and it would eventually end up turning towards the right direction. 

Artemis liked me, but not the relationship we had, that I could tell. However, things would become better.

Every single time I got close to her, or told her a joke, or complimented her in our short time together, a smile was evident on her face. Her eyes sparkled and lit up with happiness.  She threw her head back and raised her hand to her chest, and I followed.

Sort of. 

As soon as she did that, I stepped closer and put my hand on top of hers, feeling delicacy under my hand and her beating heart right underneath that. She'd stop laughing, which caused me to frown, and then she'd blush at the position.  I kissed her on the forehead and stepped away, allowing to collect herself.

My lips curved up at the new memory I just made.

Hey boss! You think about a certain someone?! Blackjack trotted up right beside me.

The smile on my face disappeared, and I turned towards him, lightly slapping him on the side, which probably felt like a feather to him. 

"Shut up. We've got to go sneak into Thebes and get Iolaus. He's supposed to help me with the hydra."

Yes boss. 

"Katastro!" I called to further inside the cave. 

He cawed in response, and I ran forward to see him snacking on some raw meat. I stuck out my tongue in disgust. He cawed once more and I rolled my eyes.

Whatcha need Percy?

"We've got to go. Come on! Do you know the way to Thebes?"

I know the way! Blackjack came up behind me. 

I shook my head at him. "I have a plan. Katastro, you'll take this note-" I handed him a small piece of paper which he took with his claw. "-And you'll go to Thebes and  deliver it to Iolaus. Blackjack and I will be waiting at the gates. Just deliver and come meet me, and please give it in your regular form. We can't risk anything."

Okay Percy, that works. Katastro cawed.

With that, he took off, beating his large and powerful wings quickly. 

I hopped on Blackjack, and he immediately took off. As soon as we left the entrance of the cave, I could see Katastro disappearing into the horizon, still gaining even more speed. It was best he went alone. Thebes wasn't far, and they had scouts everywhere and all around it. If they saw us three together, they would surely shoot. But not if a solo, small raven were flying. And there was no way they could see the note that far below him.

As for Blackjack, he flew up higher into the sky, up into the gray clouds. I was seriously lucky I was Heracles right now.

I quickly got lost in my thoughts.

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