Chapter 16: Things Explained

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Forward in Time

Perseus POV

Jason, Heracles and I were sitting in one of our lounge areas, and a large table in the middle. It had a map of Camp Half-Blood on it, and showed every little detail and was live. We could see actual kids training, eating, going to arts and craft. Same thing for Camp Jupiter. They were all live, watching every movement. We had one for the Grove as well. We were thinking of putting one in the Abyss, but that might've been risky. We needed Chaos's permission, and I knew exactly how to get. 

We also had one of Camp Eternal, which means we know the prophecy now. Well, we didn't know it. But we saw Rachel give it, and I knew either the Arrow of Dodona or Sibyl would tell me.

And surely they did.

Sibyl walked up to us and bowed. I had no idea which spell Heracles put on her from the spell book to make her obey, but it worked perfectly. It was so her real feelings would be conveyed, but her body would automatically do what we told her to do. And her mind, well I will just say the spell was slowly going to work it's magic on that part too. Soon she would love us. It was great.

"Masters, I just received the prophecy."

"What is it?" Heracles asked. 

She said the prophecy, every exact word for every line. 

It was a bit disappointing considering the prophecy didn't just go ahead and say we were going to dominate. It said there was another obstacle, but he was long gone now. We made sure of it.

And now I knew we had to keep Jason a secret. They were surely already onto us now. Heracles was from before, and now they probably were thinking it was us two, even though we were only two. If they found out about Jason, everything would go horribly wrong. 

Sibyl once again bowed and turned to leave, but I quickly stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"Go bring the other two." I said while spanking her lightly before she nodded and walked off.


Chaos POV

I had come back and upon my arrival at Camp Eternal I was immediately told the prophecy. It was troubling, to say the least. In fact, I had forgotten all about Bianca and our conversation.

Until she came up to me and apologized.

"Chaos, I'm, so, so, so so so sorry! I just wanted to look out for you. And for the team. Please, you have to understand! I didn't mean to hurt you, Chaos." Bianca pleaded.

I sighed and took a deep breath before looking her in the eye. "You're all right, Bianca. I honestly just... overreacted."

Bianca gave me a small, sad smile before hugging me and turning away. 

Who was I kidding? I wasn't overreacting. I had every right to be mad at her for eavesdropping, not helping, and she also should have known it would have made me feel bad about Percy! Bianca practically broke the friendship code, and she wasn't being a good Elite Eternal!

I huffed angrily before returning inside the Elite Cabin after her to talk more about the prophecy with the others. 

"What do you all think? Chaos?" asked Zoe.

Right. Zoe knew what Bianca did as well. To say Zoe was mad was an understatement. She pulled Bianca aside to yell at her, which was bad. Really bad. And then Zoe told me all about it when I arrived.

"Well, I think 'three come from long before' means a triumvirate. Or just a group of three in general. But it makes more sense that they are a triumvirate because Roman emperors come from a long time ago, just like it says. There aren't any modern Roman emperors."

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