Chapter 33: Tartarus

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Back in Time

Third POV

Percy was the last to flash into the Throne Room, where he surveyed the anxious and worried looks on the Olympians faces.

"Today is the Summer Solstice," said Zeus as he slightly nodded to Percy.

Percy nodded back. "I must leave for my timeline."

Athena's lip quivered, and Percy knew she was on the verge of crying. "What if.... what if something goes wrong?"

Percy blinked a couple times, and then shook his head. "We cannot afford that. I cannot afford that."

Poseidon inhaled sharply. "So thou will defeat Tartarus. We will fight the Giants that escaped from last time."

Percy nodded. "Yes, that is the plan." Then Percy got up as abruptly as he came. "I must go. I will see ye all later."

Percy flashed back to his cave, where he saw Blackjack and Katastro prepared for the journey.

"Where is Jason?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Blackjack whinnied an "I don't know," while Katastro flew around aimlessly trying to show Jason and depicted him randomly wandering around.

Percy inhaled sharply. Where was Jason? Was he not going to help him in the final obstacle to his old timeline?

"Let's go," said Percy.

Blackjack and Katastro followed him out, leaving all things belonging to the three behind. Percy had barely collected anything except for the basic means for him and his companions to survive. He left them there, knowing that after today he would either die or die.

Percy checked his pocket for his letter and disc. He breathed a sigh of relief as he found the familiar shape he had pout there himself. He took it out and read over his words again, making sure they were clear and informative.

He didn't notice Chaos walk in until she cleared her throat, her eyes drifting away from his face and to the paper.

"Oh, hi," said Percy quickly.

"Hello," said Chaos. Her eyes were still on the paper, and Percy quickly stashed in his pocket.

Chaos's gaze snapped back up to Percy's, and they stood in a rather awkward silence.

"May I ask?" she said politely, and Percy flushed.

"It was... it's a letter." he said.

Chaos nodded, knowing he wasn't going to give more information.

Percy's chest tightened and his heart did a painful squeeze as he imagined Chronos by her side right then and there, holding her hand and smiling at her fondly. He blinked a few times before he remembered that they were in the present. Not the past.

"I'm still sorry for not telling thou," she whispered. Tears brimmed her eyes and her voice choked.

Percy stared at her in silence. He didn't know what to say or to feel. 

"I couldn't hold it back. Making sure thou knew the truth and didn't believe in lies was... was more important..." her eyes squinted shut. "It was more important to me. Knowing that thou actually loved me... not the lies I told."

Percy watched her break down in front of him. His breathing grew ragged. He was watching a private moment, even if it was meant for him. And he felt like turning away. But watching her stand there and cry, not even being able to comfort herself, made him stay. Knowing that she had come again because she loved him had sparked something inside of him again. Knowing that this apology was for him and that she truly meant it lit the spark inside of him as he desperately wanted to hug her.

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