Chapter 21: Speed Run Survival Race

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Forward in Time

Third POV

"When will you get here?" asked Perseus impatiently through the screen.

"Right now," said Jason, walking through the door with Rhea behind him. She immediately walked over to where Dione was sitting, a chained Rachel right next to the goddess.

Heracles rolled his eyes. "You're so slow."

"You try assuring Chiron that you'll be fine! He was persistent, but I still managed to find an excuse."

"Now that Jason is here, we can start." Perseus said with a note of authority in his tone. He walked over to a board which was covered by white cloth, which he pulled over. There was a map of the Labyrinth.

"I thought it was destroyed?" Heracles's eyes widened.

Perseus smirked. "That fool died, which literally remade all beings loyal to Olympus. It also remade the Labyrinth. It's the size it was when Daedalus was when he was alive. Since Daedalus's life force was tied to the Labyrinth, and he was technically 'remade', his life force was brought back and bound to the Labyrinth, causing it to be recreated. You see what I mean?"

"But what good will it do us?" Jason questioned.

"Don't you see? We could use it to our advantage. We could alter the Labyrinth to our preferences. We can store out future army down there. We could get shortcuts to other places. Plus, there's a high chance that we'll be able to find the last two Oracles. Herophile was previously locked down there. The sun god helped her escape, we could use it to find her. And since he died, the other Oracle, Trophonius. He's the son of the sun god, who died, but since the fool died he was brought back to life. And once we travel the whole Labyrinth, we can memorize it easily."

"These are good advantages," Jason nodded.

"But who will lead us? We don't have a clear-sighted mortal." Heracles asked.

Perseus raised and Heracles understood. "Her?"

"I won't help you! You can torture me all you'd like, but I will not help you!" Rachel screamed in her chains.

Perseus rolled her eyes. Then he crouched in front of her, an evil smile on his face. "Yes, you will." He brought his hand up to her forehead. Her eyes closed as he forcefully lulled her to sleep. Then he focused, starting to scan her memories. He knew exactly how to get her on his side.

Back in Time

Third POV

"Chaos," said Percy stiffly.

"Perseus," she replied evenly.

This was not the Chaos Percy knew. This Chaos looked... different. In front of Percy stood a figure, but it's as if her whole frame was made of a deep void. Dark black dress that Percy could barely see, dark black skin, dark black hair, dark black facial features, dark black clothing overall, etc. The only way he could at least tell everything apart from each other were the colorful, misty, faint swirls of different colors that moved across her clothing and skin, and the white dots that actually glimmered and formed different constellations on herself. She was Percy's height, eight feet tall.

Despite her beauty, her face was contorted in a snarl.

It was clear she was not happy that another powerful being whom she had no idea was, was clearly more powerful than her. And it was not the fact about power, but that fact that he could easily destroy herself and everything she worked hard to build and create and the harmony and peace she'd created. 

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