Chapter 15: The Prophecy

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Forward in Time

Third POV

Luke paced back and forth, his scrunched-up face showing how hard he was thinking.

Currently, Chaos and the Elite were gathered in the Elite Cabin in the Eternals Camp. They were discussing the recent events, including Perseus's knowledge of the project and of the power-block. They wanted to get to the source of it all.

"Luke, stop thinking so much. You'll fry your brain." Lee said.

Luke paid no heed to him. He continued to pace around the cabin, his face in the palm of his hand as his fingers stroked his non-existent beard. Suddenly, he stopped.

"Nico already confronted Perseus about it. And we all saw Perseus disappear into the woods. Specifically towards the Grove of Dodona."

Everyone's eyes widened. 

"You think he's getting information from the Grove of Dodona?" Charles asked, stepping forwards.

Luke looked at Charles, nodding. 

"But we don't know for sure." That was Ethan. "We could explore it, but that's dangerous. Imagine what he has already in there. If he had been on a break for months with no end in sight, just think of how much time he has had to plant any traps, or lure us to a dead end!"

"It's a risk we have to take," said Silena.

"No, it isn't." Michael interrupted. "We have to get more information. Added to all of Ethan's reasons, who knows if that's actually where he gets information from. Plus, how would the trees know about our project? How would the trees know about the power-block?"

Zoe looked around. Silena, Charles and Luke all had determined faces that clearly showed they wanted to further explore the woods. Ethan, Michael and Lee all were shooting looks at the opposing three. They had skeptical expressions on their faces.

Her mind lit up with an idea. "They don't," Zoe spoke firmly. "The arrow does."

"The Arrow of Dodona?" Castor questioned, to which Zoe nodded.

"The arrow is technically an Oracle..." Bianca trailed off.

"So it's settled. We go to the woods," said Dakota.

That's when Chaos decided to step in. "It is not settled. The arrow belongs to Rhea, and even Dione, the goddess manifestation of the Titaness. The Oracles would also know if the arrow was being used by him. Rachel would've tried to confront us about it by now. They would all look out for the arrow."

Castor grinned, and everyone looked to him. "That's it! We go to Rachel! We get a prophetic vision, and then from there decide whether or not we go into the woods." He looked at Luke and Zoe for confirmation.

After Percy had "died," they had both gotten over his death quicker than others. Well, that's what the Elite thought. Inside, they were both crushed. But they took matters into their own hands and led the Eternals and rest of the Elite strategically and wisely through the hardest of times that they had gone through. They all looked up to them, especially since Luke and Zoe were the oldest besides Chaos. They also both had the most experience besides Chaos.

Luke and Zoe both nodded. "We'll do that. Good idea Castor. If Rachel has anything to say that concerns the safety of the Oracles or of either of the three camps right now, we'll venture to the Grove. If not, then we don't."

"Dakota, Castor, with me. We'll go to Rachel." Luke said, nodding towards Chaos and heading outside. Dakota and Castor were right behind him, and the rest of the Elite filed out.

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