Chapter 30: The Siege of Olympia Part 2

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Forward in Time

Third POV

"What do you mean he's gone?" yelled Will angrily through the screen.

The Olympians had called through an iris message as soon as Hades hit the floor. Apollo was the bearer of bad news for his son.

Apollo shook his head miserably. "He bled out, Will."

Will clutched his head and felt like ripping off his own hair as he sunk to his knees. "Why didn't you save him?" he questioned aggressively through his hands.

"You know the Ancient Laws, Will."

"I DON'T CARE!" He roared, screaming at his father through the screen. His voice faltered and his eyes became distant. "All the times I've healed him, all the jokes we shared, all the smiles only I would summon are gone. You don't understand! Do something! Bring back his soul or... or..." Will lowered his head to the ground, hands still in his hair.

"I'm sorry son," whispered Apollo.

The other demigods could see the somber mood even through a screen of mist. Luke stepped up to the screen, looking sympathetically at Will for a second.

"Message Bianca. She'd want to know. And give her his body."

"WHAT?! NO!" Will stood up, his expression furious. "I want to see him. I need to see him."

Zeus shook his head rigidly. "Not right now, Will. We must wait until the battle at Camp Half-Blood is over."

Will wiped the tears from his face, his hands balling at his sides. He shook with anger. "I'm going to kill them. I'm going to make them suffer. Each and every last one of them," he added. "Let's go," he said gruffly as he shouldered his quiver, bow, and pack full of medical supplies. He walked past the screen of mist and marched onwards.

His friends stood by his side. Annabeth nodded and was on his heels, followed by Clarisse who was punching the ground before at the news, and Katie and the Stolls were looking unusually murderous.

"We should be there soon," Luke said to soothe Will. "But our main priority is rescuing our friends. We must stick to the plan or else things will go wrong," he added.

Annabeth looked back at the screen of mist. "We'll contact you when we've rescued them. if we're in immediate danger then we know what to do."

Zeus, along with Athena, nodded. Only Annabeth caught the proud look in Athena's eyes, and Annabeth smiled at her before swiping through the screen.

"Let's go," she said, Luke catching up and walking by her side.

By the time the Eternals and demigods reached Perseus's base, they were tired and out of breath. But the thick layers of magic in the air was obvious. Just a little prying and they could look through the mist to find the entrance.

But right then, they sat and replenished their energy as Luke and Annabeth went over the plan again with the group.

When the sun set and night arrived, the Eternals and demigods blended in perfectly with their surroundings. Above them, the moon seemed weak and distinguishable from the stars, not as small as the glittering specks of white in the dark sky, but small enough to motivate the group to move on and save their friends.

Luke muttered some words until the Mist wore off, just enough left to confuse regular mortals.

"Let's go," whispered Annabeth.

"Cloaks on," ordered Luke to his group. They followed in his step obediently.

The group entered through the entrance.

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