Chapter 27: Primordial's Rising

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Back in Time

Third POV

Percy shuddered as he flashed into the Throne Room.

"Perseus!" Athena gasped, running over to him. Her chiton wrapped around her curvy body as she sat down beside him, clutching his head gently yet urgently as if her life was on the line.

"Athena?" he groaned.

Poseidon stared at his future son. "Perseus? What happened? How art thee here?"

Percy smiled weakly as he was pulled against Athena's bosom, who was still clutching his head. She buried her head in his, holding him tight against herself.

He thought carefully before deciding not to mention Jason. He wouldn't be able to take it back, that he knew. And he could deal with him later. "I escaped. They held me in the Pit."

Poseidon's eyes widened in horror, along with some of his fellow Olympians.

"How art thee still sane?" Dionysus questioned.

Percy shrugged as he was pulled to his feet by Athena, who had begun to practically drag him to her throne. "I've been there before. I'm friends with the guy."

Zeus stood from his throne, lightning flickering. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Thou art friends with the Primordial of the Pit?"

Percy nodded. "In the future, yes. I saved him. Long story. Please do not ask," he added.

Zeus nodded before glancing at Percy's veins, which were half regular and half black.

Apollo seemed to have noticed too, because he stood from his throne with ambrosia and nectar while inspecting Percy's arm. "What happened to thy veins?"

Percy jerked his hand away from the god as he greedily drank the nectar and practically swallowed the chunk of ambrosia whole. "That is not important," he glanced back at Zeus who was clearly suspicious along with other Olympians.

Percy hastily changed the topic. "What's important is that Gaea is rising, now. And once she's risen, it will be much easier for her to help Tartarus rise."

"If they both attack together, we cannot defeat them, especially with Giants and their army," said Ares.

Percy's lips twitched. The Olympians, he knew, could take on one Primordial together. They could also take on the Giants together. But as once was impossible. His hand drifted down to his pocket, where Riptide was still there. He hadn't forgotten it's abilities. 

He spoke ever so carefully. He did not want to give them any ideas of his powers or what he could do with them. And he certainly did not want to make it seem like he was making promises. "Ye all worry on Gaea. Her weaknesses are obvious, so I am sure ye all know how to use it to thy advantage."

"And thee?" Hera asked with raised eyebrows.

Percy gazed wearily at her, knowing that if he took Tartarus and the hellhounds on they might not trust him or might plot against him for how powerful he was.  "I have  my ways. Trust me," he said.

With that, Percy flashed out. 

Zeus looked around. "Before this meeting is dismissed, keep thy eyes out for Perseus. After staying down there, claiming to be friends with the Primordial of the Pit, and apparently being so powerful to take an army and a Primordial on by himself, we must not  underestimate his abilities and overestimate his loyalty to us." 

Poseidon opened his mouth to say something, but Zeus flashed out, lightning flickering in the Throne Room for a split second signaling that the meeting was over.

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