Chapter 2: Catfight / Part 1:

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Y/Nc/N - Your nickname.

M/Nc/N - The nickname Mike calls you. I wanted this to be rather custom to you so whatever you feel like he would call you, insert here.


I look around to see an excited Ashley jogging towards me.

"Hey, Ash!" I say, engulfing Ashley into a hug.

"Wanna go look at the telescopes? Josh said his dad had them fixed."

"Sure!" I say, waving to everyone as Ashley pulls me away.

We shortly arrive at the little wooden canopy that houses the lookout telescopes. Ashley goes up to one and looks around, ducking her head into the lookout holes.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," Ashley says. "I always forget how beautiful the view is up here until I'm here again."

"I know its insane!"

Ashley looks around for a bit longer, and then looks away from the telescope. Her smile is gone and she looks tensed up.

"You okay, Ash?" 

"Um, take a look at this." Ashley says, stepping away from the telescope.

I grab the telescope handles and direct it toward where Ashley was looking. I twist the side knob to zoom in and see what made Ashley look away. I see Emily and Mike, under a small tunnel hugging. Emily looks like she is enjoying herself, but I can't tell if Mike is because he has his back to me.

"Oh." I say quietly.

I'm hurt but also thinking about Matt. Emily and Matt have had a confusing relationship for a few months, but Matt doesn't realize that's its probably not good for him. He's so sweet to her and loves to spoil her. She unfortunately takes advantage of it. Emily always picks on him and calls him names, resulting in Matt having low self esteem and trust issues. Him being my best guy friend makes me protective. When Mike broke up with her, it turned her bitchy. She quickly started dating Matt. I was and still am worried that he is just a rebound for her. I can tell that she still isn't completely over Mike, but using my best friend isn't the way to make him jealous or whatever she is trying to do to him.

"Sorry, but I thought you should see." Ashley says guiltily.

"Hey, No. It's fine Ash. Nothing new with Emily anyway." I say.

I look away from that spot to enjoy more of the scenery. All of a sudden, a face pops up in front of the telescope and screams. Ashley jumps while I fall on the floor. Matt comes up from the other side and laughs.

"Sorry, didn't think you were gonna get that scared Y/Nc/N." Matt says, helping me up.

Matt knows more than anyone how easily i get scared, liking to scare me from time to time. My heart feels like its going a mile a minute.

"It's fine Matt, I've already been spooked today so..." I say laughing with him.

Matt gives me a small hug, our usual greeting.

It's weird to think about, but I think a reason why Matt and I are still so close without any tension, is because we've never been interested in each other. We've been just friends and that's all I want. Not to be mean. I've had other guy friends, and they've always ruined it by saying they like me, or hinting at it the whole time. I want a guy friend who isn't crushing on me, but one that is there for me and I can trust, just like Matt has been for the last almost eleven years. Like an older brother to me.

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