Chapter 10: Sanatorium Part 1:

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We walk down the hallway in silence, its condition worsening as we go. Mike hasn't said anything since we left. I can tell he is still shaken. Honestly, so am I. Never did I imagine seeing Mike pointing a gun to Emily. I dont think he did either. I'm just glad he didn't shoot her.

The hallway started normal, looking like the other halls in the basement do, but it started to merge with what im guessing are the halls of the sanatorium. Theres white brick walls where you can tell they'd look nice if they were clean. Now there layered with dust, mold, and whatever the hell else makes them look so dirty.

"Mike." I say, deciding to finally break the silence.

He looks down at me, his face still focused on where we're going.

"You did the right thing."

"I hope so." He says, facing forward again.

"You did. And you know what? If you didn't, it's one against three in that room. If something goes wrong, they'll take care of it."

We turn a corner and see a door coming up close. The paint is peeling off of it and rust growing on the metal underneath.

"What's this sanatorium like anyways?" I ask.

"Looks like it's been untouched for like a hundred years. Walls and pillars knocked over, weeds growing through the floor."

We make it to the door and go inside. Mike turns back to the door and locks the latch.

"In case one of those things follows." He says.

I nod and we start walking ahead through the halls. There's pipes running along the walls, and bigger pipes along the ceiling. We enter another room through a doorway. It's empty other than some shelving in the corners. There's a staircase off to the side and he leads us up.

"God, what a shit show this night has turned into huh?" I ask, trying to make a light of the mood and looking at him at my side.

He nods and says nothing. Shit, why did I say that? I totally forgot about Jess.

"Sorry. I just.. It's still hard for me to process all of this." I say, looking back down at my feet as I step each step.

"No it's fine. Yeah," He lightly laughs. "I sure as hell didn't sign up for this."

We make it to the top and go into the next room. It's almost like a transition room. Like a hallway. There's multiple doors but he walks forward with no second guessing. I follow and we enter a big room. Mike was right. Pillars have crashed and parts of the ceiling are open, exposing the snow and the moonlight. There's what looks like an altar in the middle, a cross with candles having its own area. The room is rather symmetrical, mirroring its other half.

Mike starts whistling. Not to a tune, but like he's calling something.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He puts his finger to his lips and we listen. No noise.

"Where the hell are the wolves?" He mumbles.


"That guy was here and had wolves following him. I got one on my good side. They would be here by now or we'd hear something." He says.

I look around the room, searching for anything of use, when my eyes land on a small side room with a lamp on. It's the only side room with an open door. It's practically begging to be searched.

"Let's check it out." I say, walking to the room.

Mike follows and we enter the gated room. It's rather small, deep enough to fit a person if they laid down. There is a desk at the center and above it a bulletin board. It has maps, old looking photos, and newspaper articles. Off to the side of the room is a bed. I wonder if this is where that guy stayed.

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