Chapter 13: Dawn

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"Hey! Come on open up! Guys?!" She yells.

"Sam." Mike says.

Sam turns around startled. Her eyes wide in fear of whatever she may see, until she recognizes that it's just us.

"Mike. Y/n. Oh gosh you guys look terrible." Sam says, looking over our states.

"We're gonna look worse if we stay out here, come on." Mike says, handing Sam a rock from the ground.

She takes it and breaks the glass on the door, most of the glass going inside. The shatter isn't too loud, not drawing too much attention. She reaches her arm in, avoiding the glass still attached to the door frame, and unlocks it. She opens it and we go in. I shut the door behind us and lock it.

"Let's go. Everyone should hopefully still be downstairs." Sam says.

We follow Sam closely behind, towards the hallway heading to the stairs. Distant yelling comes from the basement along with the sound of multiple approaching, approaching rather quickly too, footsteps. Ashley, Chris, and Emily come barreling up the stairs.

"Run!" They scream, bolting past us.

"GO GO GO!" Chris yells.

The three of us follow them without question and bolt up the stairs into the living room, us three being slightly behind. We make it up a few seconds after when we see everyone completely stopped. I stop, Mike bumping into my back and stopping, and dead ahead over the couches, see a wendigo hanging on the chandelier looking around. I look around with just my eyes and spot one more on the railing of the second floor, somehow moving across the railing without falling.

The wendigo on the railing sees the other's movements, the chandelier swaying slightly back and forth. It screeches loudly and propels itself off of the railing at the other and they collide with a smack, banging their heads into each other. They both get a little dazed, but one gets up quicker than the other, able to catch it in it's daze and latch onto it. It throws it into the luckily burned out fireplace, most likely killing it as the body goes completely limp. It breaks a small gas pipe, leaking gas into the air with a small hiss. Like I said, luckily the fire was out because we would all be dead. The surviving wendigo screeches in victory and I see the mark again. It's Hannah, it's like she is protecting us from the other wendigos.

I see Mike's eyes wandering around to specific areas. At the leaking pipe, then at the light bulb on the wall, which I always remember being weirdly placed, then to the light switch by the door. Mike and Sam make eye contact and nod.

The wendigo that is surely Hannah, looks up to the upper railing, but from where I'm looking, I can't see what it sees. That is until there's a screech from above and a wendigo comes flying down at Hannah like the first one did. She, seemingly easily, catches it by its head, crushing it between the force of the palms of her two hands as it's body flails around before going limp. She drops the body onto the carpet, causing a dull thud.

Sam slowly walks back to one of the doors, but halts when one of the wooden floorboards creaks.


Hannah screeches in Sam's direction. Hannah starts walking over to her, wide steps that are so inhuman, her eyes tracing all around in her direction. I blindly move my hand back and find Mike's, holding onto it securely and we slowly step back to the light bulb, watching Hannah's every movement.

Sam is luckily being still enough, as Hannah stops a bit to the side of her and forward, looking around and not at Sam.

Mike lightly grunts as he crushes the light bulb in his hand, letting the small light shards fall to the floor. I look over to see Ashley run out of the lodge unnoticed by Hannah, who at this point wandered away from Sam. I let out a quiet relieved breath.

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