Chapter 16: Trauma

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"This it?" The driver asks.

Mike glances out of the window.


The car slows down to a stop.

Mike thanks the man and gets out. I look out of the window and see we're in his driveway. He opens the door to my side of the car and scoops me up carefully. He carries me up the walkway to his front door.

I've always loved Mike's house, it's always felt like a second home. It's big, but cozy. Mike's parents own a company for something that has to do with computers, so I could say they live comfortably. They aren't like other wealthy people. They help others whenever they can, and don't show it off with a huge showy mansion. Mike's dad hired a builder to build their house a while ago and they have just the right amount of space for them.

Mike's parents are away on a business trip, so we don't have to worry about them. His only other two siblings are in college anyways. Even if they were here, it wouldn't be a problem. His family, like Matt's, is really sweet and not snobby in the slightest.

"Damn it. My key's at the fucking cabin." He curses himself.

"Do you have a lock box?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, good idea." He says.

He carries me over to the garage and types in the code. The door opens and he walks us in. He adjusts me in his arms and walks around his car, through the spot his parent's would probably park in. He grabs the key hanging on a hook by the door and unlocks it. He pushes the door open and puts the key back. He pushes the button to close the garage door and we walk in.

"Home at last." He sighs.

He, still somehow carrying me, goes into the living room and up the stairs. He takes me upstairs and into his room. His room is big. Dark wooden floors, a king sized bed, and a couch in the corner. He has a bathroom attached and a nice big window to sport a nice view of the woods behind.

He brings me over to his bed and places me down.

"Should we even attempt to sleep? It's so light out." I say as he adjusts a pillow behind my head.

Mike walks over to his curtains and closes them. The room gets pretty dark.

"Touche." I say with a light smile.

"You can stay in my bed, I'll be on the couch if you need anything."

"Mike, it's okay, I'll stay on the couch."

"m/nc/n.. Just stay in my bed... please."

I nod and he comes back over to me. He plants a soft kiss onto my forehead.

"Sleep well m/nc/n." He says, walking over to the couch.

"You too Mike." I say getting under the covers.

I lay my head down and quickly fall asleep again.


We run as fast as we can, our footsteps on the gravely dirt echoing into the tunnel. We make it to an intersection and halt. Left or Right. They both look the same.

"Which way?" I ask.

I put my hands on my knees and catch my breath. I look around and see that I'm alone.

"Mike?" I yell whisper.

Right as I finish saying his name, a loud screech fills the tunnels behind me.

"Shit." I say to myself, choosing the right path.

I run fast as I hear the impact of the wendigo's body hitting the ground as it chases after me. I know if I stop now, it will see where I stop. I keep running in the hope of finding a place to hide. The screeches get louder and closer as I run. I am suddenly knocked to the ground by a strong force on my back. I plummet into the earth below, my face colliding first.

I turn myself over, wanting to get a look at it before I die. I meet the eyes of an old friend that I call dead.


He screeches loudly into my face, a slight drip of drool hitting my eye. Half of his mouth a sharp toothed mess, while the other normal. His eyes are glazed over milky white, with a hint of blue still there. His hair and outfit are the exact same, but his body is different. He's a lot taller, almost stretched out abnormally. His nails pointed and stretched into long sharp claws, everything like the wendigos we saw in the sanatorium. What I can see of his pupils grow wide when he recognizes me.

"Josh it's me." I say again, hoping it does something.

The next thing I know, he is down by my legs. He forcefully takes one in his hand and I feel a tooth graze it.

"Josh! No!" I yell at him.

He loudly screeches at me again, looking at me angrily. He sinks his teeth into my leg and I scream out. He pulls away the flesh and I scream louder than I ever have before. A huge chunk of my leg is gone as he chews it away. Blood quickly pooling out as he consumes it.

"HELP!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

He starts eating more and more, devouring my leg. A continuous scream controls my mouth as I sob. I can feel the scraping of him hitting my leg bone and it quickly goes black.

I wake up sweating out of my mind. I shoot up into a sitting position, causing my leg to throb in pain and my back to tense up. I can hear my heart beating in my head at a million miles and my breathing is fast and frantic. I stare at the blanket in front of me wide eyed as tears fill my eyes and quickly fall as I blink, thinking over what just happened. Watching it wash over my vision like pictures. I feel a hand touch my leg and I quickly swat it away.

"NO! No! Josh! No!!" I yell sobbing.

"Hey! Hey. It's okay. It's me Y/n."

I look over at Mike at my side. His eyes are wide in worry. I must have woken him up.


"It's okay, it's me."

I look around and see myself in Mike's bed. In his room. I look over at his alarm clock to see the time. '11:16 am'

I put my head in my hands and sob more, my body shaking madly. I feel Mike wrap his arms around me and I lean in.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Another nightmare. I barely slept last night but when I did the dreams were terrible." 

Mike climbs into his bed behind me and lays me back into his arms.

"What was it about?" He asks as his arms return around me.

"We... were in the mines. You and me. I-I looked back and I couldn't find you. I heard it screeching. I ran for my life, but I wasn't fast enough. I felt it pounce on me. I fell on the ground, and when I turned over, it was Josh."


"He was turning into one of them. He had teeth like them, his eyes were foggy, but it was him. He screeched at me and started biting me. He tore off my flesh. I screamed for help, but no one came. I felt it. I felt as he ripped me apart." I cry.

"Shh, you're safe. It's over." Mike says.

He cradles me and brings the covers up to cover us. I hold onto him like he will be taken away from me in an instant.

"You need sleep okay? I'm right here. I won't let anything hurt you okay? I promise." He says, caressing my hair.

I take deep breaths and lay my head down on his chest. I'm still scared shitless, crying and shaking, but with his hands combing through my hair and his quiet shushes, I eventually drift back to sleep.

No more nightmares tonight.

The next chapter is the last one!!! I'm excited to finally upload it but it's also kinda sad. I hope you've enjoyed so far :)

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