Chapter 3: Letting Go

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This one is another short chapter but the next one will surely make up for it.

I jog along the path at the intersection of another trail. I run down the path I know leads to the lodge and hear a distant screeching noise. I halt in my tracks and look to where it came from, the other trail. I wearily walk down it and see the cliff. It has the most beautiful view. The sky is so blue, but so dark. I walk along through the wooden overhang and to the cliff. I look out at the cold clouds, the snowy wind fogging the distance, it really is beautiful. Unbelievable. I see the border broken and only half of the danger sign remaining and wonder what happened. Maybe something fell?

I snap back and remember Josh needed me fast. I turn on my phone light and walk back through the overhang. My light glints against something in the wood and I stop. I look down at the bridge and shine my light back and forth on it, seeing it light up like when light hits metal.

"Huh." I say to myself as I kneel down.

I kneel down and impulsively reach my arm through the small squeeze. I feel something hit my hand and I grab it and pull it out. It's a phone and it's ice cold. I look at the case and a memory hits me. It's Beth's phone.

"Whoa." I say, feeling a chill go up my spine.

I try to turn it on, but it's obviously dead after a year. I should charge it and maybe there'll be something important. I slip it into my coat pocket and zip it up. Maybe if her phone still works, it can help figure out what happened to them.

I run back down the right path and to the lodge. As I'm running back, all I can think about is how the police didn't find this. They've been searing the area for a while, how didn't they find this? I run up to the backdoor and luckily it's open. I walk in and close the door behind me.

"Josh?" I yell.

I walk into the living room and call again.


I hear footsteps upstairs and see Sam walk out of a room.

"Sam, have you seen Josh?"

"No, I've been unpacking." Sam says.

"Huh. He called and said he needed me for help."

"He was just with Chris and Ash using some spirit board, but I think they left or something?"

Huh. That's weird.

"Spirit board?" I ask, confused as to why that's what they decided to occupy themselves with. Especially Ashley, she hates anything supernatural. Freaks her the hell out.

"I know." Sam says, seeing to be on my side of the ship.

"Well uh, let me know if he comes back I guess. I think i'm gonna take a bath." I say, walking up the stairs.

"Got it." Sam says.

I get into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I go over to the cabinet and open the doors. Surprisingly instead of things like lotions, soaps, or even hair products, it's filled with candles and things for mood lighting. I decide what the hell and grab some candles and find some matches. I turn on the water until I find the right temperature and let the water run as I get undressed, placing my clothes folded on the counter by the door.

I place the candles around the bathtub, making sure to not place them too close. I light them and turn out the lights to see how it looks. Calming.

I grab my bag from next to the door and take out my iPod, a phone charger, and earbuds. I put on a playlist of my favorite classical piano songs and plug in Beth's phone on the counter. I turn off the water as it's to a good height and get in, putting in my earbuds once I'm settled.

Listening to the music usually drowns out my thoughts, why I have the playlist in the first place, but today it doesn't. Not these thoughts, my thoughts about Mike. After several minutes of self arguing, I decide it's never going to happen and to let my crush go. We're probably better as friends anyways. He has a girlfriend. I close my eyes and drift off into a nap, succumbing to the music and letting go.

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