Chapter 14: Hospital / Part 2

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--Y/n's POV:--

"You just have to sign the release papers and look over the care sheet." The nurse explains to me. "You'll need crutches if you don't plan on bed rest, but you'll leave the center in a wheelchair. You're going to need supervision for the next week or so for your leg, so is there anyone you can stay with?"

"She'll stay with me." Mike says, smiling at the nurse.

"Perfect. I'll be back with the release forms." The nurse says leaving the room.

"Mike..." I say, taking his hand again. "Thank you again for letting me stay with you."

"I would have brought you over even if you refused."

He caresses my hand comfortingly, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles and I give him an appreciation filled smile. He really didn't have to stay here with me, didn't have to check in as much as he did. But he did, and I really appreciate that.

I go to lean forward more before Mike stops me.

"Hey, no." he says as I ease back down to sitting again.

He moves his chair forward more so I don't have to.

"Don't strain yourself."

Almost like he's reading my mind, he leans forward like I was going to and presses his lips into mine, bringing his hand to my cheek. Our lips move together in a slow and soft rhythm. I rest my hand to the back of his neck as smiles grow on our lips. I feel his hand in my hair and hum in satisfaction. We kiss for another moment and pull back. He rests his forehead against mine for a moment before kissing it softly.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I say as he sits back down.

He holds my hand.

"Well, you don't have to imagine that. Because I'm here, and I'm not leaving any time soon."

I hear the knock on the door again. The nurse comes back in with the forms and I sign them after reading them over. She fills prescriptions for the medicines I need and gives the forms and papers to Mike. The nurse comes over and turns off the machines. She stops the Iv from flowing and takes out the needles from my arm.

"I would have you change, but your clothes aren't in any good condition to change back into." She says.

I nod and she helps me stand up. She leaves me with Mike for a moment and comes back wheeling in a wheelchair. I sit down and she wheels me into the hallway. We get into the elevator again and she presses the down arrow.

"Sorry, but we have to take you right to interviewing." The nurse says.

"I understand."

The elevator halts and the doors open. Like when we got out of the cable car, the wave of relief washes over me. The nurse wheels me into a hallway with a sign on top. The sign reads 'Interrogation Rooms'. Well that's comforting.

The rooms are to the right and there's a reception area to the left.

"Ill just wait out here, okay?" Mike says.

I nod and the nurse wheels me down the hallway as Mike goes to his room.

"Wait." Mike says, walking back over.

He takes my wrist and slides my bracelet back on.

"They had to take it off for the IVs."

"Thanks Mike." I say.

My nurse wheels me into my room and lines me up to the table. She says goodbye and leaves me waiting for whatever is going to happen next.

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