Chapter 15: Police Tapes / Part 1

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A blonde woman wearing glasses and holding a clipboard opens the door. She smiles at me and sits in the chair across the table from me.

"Hello Miss L/n, I'm sorry to keep you at a time like this, but I'd like to ask you a few questions to make a report." The woman says kindly.


"Your friends have been talking about the mines running underneath the mountain. What can you tell me about them?"

"It's terrible down there. Lots of remnants from the miners who died there."

"What miners? No one knew there was a mine down there."

"There was this mining corporation, about... eighty years ago." I tell her. "I saw old pictures with dates from then. Mike said he found out that the corporation knew the mines were a suicide mission, dangerous and about to collapse, but they made the miners work anyway."

"What else did Mike find?"

"I only know what he told me. He said he found a journal that was from one of the miners. There was a cave in... trapping around fifteen of them. They starved and resorted to cannibalism."

The woman listens intently while writing on her clipboard.

"I have questions about the whole cannibalism topic but I'll get to that later. Do you know how Mike found this?"

"He was in the old sanatorium up on the hill. We went back together and found files of experiments and data."

"Why was he there? Why did you go back?"

"We went back together to get to the other side of the mines to find Josh. He was chasing the man, the man who he thought killed Jess."

She writes that down.

"Is this the same man that helped you guys?"

"Yes...He tried to save Hannah and Beth last year, he said he couldn't because a wendigo was chasing them off of the cliff."

She writes that down too and glances at her watch.

"Okay, we're going to take a quick break to share some information. Do you need anything? Water?"

"No, I'm okay." I say.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." The woman says, getting up and leaving the room.

I sit in silence until she gets back. I want to get this interview over with, but am happy that they are giving the option of breaks. All I want to do at this moment is go home with Mike and sleep. Of course if I could, I would go back and have none of this happen, but I have to be realistic. That can't happen. What's done is done.

I hear murmuring outside the door and the woman returns.

"Okay, I'd like to ask you more about this man." She says, clicking her pen.

"He...came into the lodge, to warn us about the wendigos. He left with Chris to go get Josh from the shed. He saved Chris, he saved us all." I say.

"Why was Josh in the shed?" She asks.

"We were protecting us from him. He pulled this... deluded prank on us, so we could feel how Hannah and Beth did last year. It was some sick way of getting revenge on the prank that they pulled." I say.

"Mike said that he took some of you. Sam, Chris, Ashley, and you. What did he do to you guys?"

"I-I don't know what he did to Sam, but he tied me up and he made me confess... things... on camera against my will. If I didn't answer he would threaten to hurt my friends." I say.

I start to feel panicked reliving it. The feeling of being in that dark room tied up. Josh with the weapons. Not knowing if I would make it out of there alive. All of it.

"How did he take you?"

"He.. I was taking a bath, and I fell asleep. I woke up and found my clothes were gone. I got in a towel and saw these red balloons... They led to the theatre. I walked in and the doors shut behind me. He showed me this video of Josh.. being torn apart by this saw..." I explain, trying to remember as much as I can.

"He chased me into the basement. He caught me and knocked me out. That's when he took me."

The woman writes down a lot, nodding as I speak.

"I'm sorry that happened. Where did he take you?"

"There was this... this workshop that had a room with monitors. He took me there."

"Why did he take you?"

"Like I said, he wanted me to confess things, but he took Sam and Chris, and they weren't involved in the prank. Neither was I. Sam and I tried to stop it. He took me because Mike was involved."

"What exactly was this prank?"

"God, it was terrible... horrible. Everyone knew Hannah had the biggest crush on Mike. Emily, his girlfriend at the time and Jessica, his-"

What is she to him now? His ex? No, they never broke up. His dead girlfriend? That's not right. I shake my head.

"They wrote this note to Hannah, saying it was from Mike. It said to meet him in his guest room at two in the morning. They-They all hid with a camera... She started taking her shirt off when someone made noise. She ran out crying in the woods. Beth followed and that's the last time we saw them..."

"Do you need another break?"

"No, let's get this over with..." 


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