Chapter 5: Maniac

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Mikes Perspective:

"Sam... Sam, wake up!" I whisper through the grates for the thousandth time.

I see Sam starting to wake up and am relieved she isn't dead. She lifts her head up and looks around the room. She spots me and looks at me confused.

"Mike! Is that you?" Sam whisper yells, squinting in my direction.

"Shhh!" I whisper, not wanting him to catch her. "Get over here!"

Sam pushes her chair over to me, which luckily has wheels. Her arms are tied behind her with rope and her ankles tied together. She makes it over to me and stops before she hits the wall.

"Here, turn around, let me get that rope off." I say.

Sam spins her chair around, and I cut off the rope securing her hands with my machete. I give it to her to cut the rope securing her feet. Sam gets up and crouches down at the grate.

"How did you.. How are you here?" Sam asks me.

"There's some fucking maniac on this mountain, he lives in these tunnels of the old mines. I was down there trying to get out when I found this grate, and I saw you." I explain to Sam.

"Where's Jess? Wasn't she with you?" Sam asks.

The thought of having to tell people that Jess is dead never crossed my mind until now. It feels terrible. I've spent all night looking for the guy who killed her. She was grabbed from our cabin and taken out of the window. It all happened so fast. I grabbed the shotgun and ran after her. He took her into the mines. I found her on the elevator, her jaw ripped off. I was about to take her body off of the elevator when it fell. I chased the man into the sanatorium, but I lost him.

"Jessica's dead." I say solemnly.

"What!?" Sam asks, reasonably shocked and confused.

"He killed her, Sam. This- This maniac, he wants us all dead for some reason. I swear to god," I say, feeling my anger rise. "When everyone is safe, I'm gonna hunt that fucker down and rip his nuts off one at a goddamn time."

"Jesus, Mike." Sam says, taken aback. "This guy, he attacked me. He showed me this video what showed Josh being killed... just... ripped apart by this huge saw blade..."

"Jesus Fuck," I say. "I chased the fucker into that sanatorium after he killed Jess, he fucking ripped her jaw off."

"What the hell is going on around here..." Sam says quietly.

"There's a door here, and it won't open. Can you see if you can open it from your side?"

"Yeah, hold on." Sam says, getting up and heading out the door.

I wait outside of the door, hoping he didn't hurt anyone else that Sam and I don't know about. Chris... Emily ... Y/n.... I hear the sound of locks turning and the door opens. Sam stands in the doorway.


"Jeez, you look like hell." Sam says.

I knew I looked like shit, but hell? I have scrapes all over, especially on my arms. I can feel more scrapes on my face and bet it's worse than i'm thinking. It obviously is based on her reaction. My feet hurt from running and are probably bruised.

"Nice to see you too." I say back jokingly, but meaning what I say.

I follow Sam into another hallway with a lot of rooms branching off.

"How did he take you?" I ask to make small talk.

"I was just unpacking, and when I was done, I went to find the others, but I got to reminiscing when I walked into Hannah's old bedroom here, then I turned around to see a masked man. I tried to run, but he tripped me and grabbed me, then he put a rag over my mouth."

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