Chapter 9: Trust Issues

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I lean back against the wall as the few minutes we've been in here are already starting to drive us crazy. Its less of waiting till dawn, its waiting for Chris. And Josh.

We all sit in silence, dead silence. Like its slowly killing us. There's nothing we'd want to talk about. Not the time for a 'how's your day been?' type of conversation. Mike seems the most anxious. He's bouncing his leg rather quickly, making each second feel twice as long.

"Mike!" Ashley's voice rings out, killing the silence and tension.

Mike rushes to the door and opens it for her. Ashley walks in, helping Chris, who is limping. No Josh.

"What took you guys so long?" Emily asks.

"It's not so good up there right now." Chris says through pain.

Ashley helps Chris sit on top of one of the tables, his ankle looking to be the source of his limp.

"Chris, where's the guy?" Sam asks.

"And Josh." Mike chimes in.

"He didn't make it.." Chris says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The thing... it... It took his head clean off! Right in front of me!"

"Oh God..." Sam says.

"And Josh?" I ask.

"Gone. wasn't there, that thing must've taken him."

"Are these all of the doors?" Mike asks interrupting Chris.

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Are you sure?"

"What are you looking for?"

"Another way out." Mike says.

"Mike... I don't think that's a good idea. We should stay put, right here, until dawn." Sam says.

"Oh? Yeah? All wrapped like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning?" Mike asks.

Both Mike and Sam are right. It's safe if we don't split up or go outside, but it could also be dangerous if we're all together in one place.

"People will come for us. In the morning." Sam says.

"Your sure about that?"

"That's what'll happen, right Em?"

"Yeah... right."

"Well, you all can wait, I'm leaving." Mike announces.

"Mike, we don't even know where the key to the cable car is." I say, trying to convince Mike to stay.

"Josh. He's gotta have it."

"Josh? Mike, you heard Chris, he isn't there."

"If that fucking thing got a hold of Josh, then, we're screwed until dawn." Mike says.

"It could have taken him down into the mines." Emily suggests.


"I saw some horrible shit down there... I think that thing lives down there." Emily says while looking into a duffel bag.

"Fuck it. I'm gonna get that key. Right from that thing's goddamned bedroom, and then I'm getting us the hell out of here." Mike says.

"Emily, what is that?" I ask, walking over to Emily.

"Its that guy's bag."

The bag is filled with stuff. Anything from weapons to clothes to canned food. There's a leather bound journal at the bottom. I grab it and see Sam come over to us. I hand it to her and she opens it.

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