Chapter 17: Remembrance

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"Are you almost ready?!" Mike yells from downstairs.

"Just a minute!" I yell back, finishing my makeup.

Covering the cuts on my face was hard, but I managed. I made the wise decision of not putting on much makeup at all, and definitely no mascara. What's the point of wearing it if you're just going to cry it off?

I walk out of the bathroom and to the closet. I take my dress off of the hanger on the doorknob and get dressed. It's a silky and flowy black dress that comes almost to my knees. I zip up the back and move my hair. I take out my earrings from my jewelry box along with my necklace. I ruffle my hair back out, looking into the small mirror on the wall.

I run my finger over one of the larger cuts on my face and remember that this funeral isn't just for Hannah and Beth. But for Jess, and Josh in a way. He hasn't been found, but we all know what probably happened to him. I frown and snap out of it, putting my earrings on.


I glance over to the door to see Mike leaning against the door frame, looking at me with a smile.

"You clean up nice."

Mike's wearing a black suit and tie with black dress shoes. Mike always looks good in a suit, I remember from when he was prom king. A few of the deeper cuts are still visible on his face, but most are healed.

I chuckle.

"So do you."

I pick up my necklace, a silver necklace Hannah gave me a while ago.

"Here, let me." Mike says, walking over to me.

I give him my necklace and move my hair out of the way. He brings it around my neck and clips it, letting the cold metal hit my skin as he lets it drop. Mike spins me around and looks into my eyes. He pulls me in by my waist and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

"You look beautiful."

Mike and I aren't together, but have started to progress our relationship. Sam says that she thinks it's a little soon. I kinda think so too. The whole time I've been anxious about what everyone else will think. Mike has already been with two of our friends and I don't want them to think badly of Mike or me. I don't want them to think that he is just moving from girl to girl. But Mike and I have gotten even closer in this short period of time and we have been definitely willing to take things slow.

Before anything, I talked to Mike about giving him time to mourn Jess, but he said he was okay. I don't fully believe him, but I know he means well. After the hospital and everything, it was different between us. All of those pent up feelings and that kiss felt.. It wasn't weird, it was a heat of the moment thing. Not knowing if we'd make it out alive, if we'd ever be able to say what we've felt for each other. And now, since things have died down, it almost feels like we took it too fast. So to not ruin our relationship and still pursue this, we're taking things slow. Very slow.

I decided to stay with Mike for a week before going back home, due to my pain and not wanting to be alone as my parents too are on vacation. Mike has been keeping me in bed rest until the hospital stops prescribing me medicine. I go home occasionally and bring over a few things I need like clothes and general necessities. Two days after everything, Mr. Washington arranged a funeral to honor Hannah, Beth, and Jess for today. They decided not to include Josh because they are still looking for him. We all have hope that he is okay. Even though there is a good chance he isn't.

"Thanks, handsome." I tease, fixing Mike's tie.

"We should get going, we don't want to be late.".

"Let me grab my purse, and put on my shoes." I say, walking over to the dresser.

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