Chapter 6: The Tape

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TW (Trigger Warning): No blood or gore. Mention of weapons and just all together if your triggered by kidnapping / being held captive, that's kinda whats goin on here. 

Back to Y/n's POV when the Maniac kidnapped her:

I start to come to and immediately feel woozy and nauseous. I start to wonder why, when I think back to what happened. I look around and all I can see is darkness. The only light being a dim light bulb softly swinging above my head, a set of computer monitors not too far away, and a red blinking light straight in front of me. I look closer at the monitors and recognize what looks like Josh's basement. I recognize the room with the wine racks that I knocked over and even the boiler.

I try to move, but I can't move my arms or my feet apart. I look up and see how I'm tied up to a pipe running along a ceiling. I'm too short by a smidge and have to stand on my tippy toes to stay up. My hands are secured above my head with zip ties, but my legs are taped together by my ankles. So if I don't stand on my tippy toes and hang, it hurts my wrists like hell. I see that I am still in just a towel and look down to see a belt securing it on.

I start to panic and thrash around in hopes of the restraints breaking.

"Not so fast, little bird." A familiar scary voice coos, walking into the light from the darkness.

My heart stops and I freeze, thinking I was alone.

"Where am I?" I ask, my voice coming out scared and weakly.

"Not important."

"Let me go! Please!" I plead to the man.

"I'll make you a deal, I won't hurt you, or your friends, if you confess something to them, and if you don't answer me, or don't say anything...Our deal gets a bit... iffy. They'll meet their fates."

I can't risk anything bad happening to them, especially if it would be my fault.

"Do we have a deal or should I just go hurt them now?"

"Okay, okay, what do you want me to say?" I ask.

The man chuckles.

"Good. You're a good person Y/n, you keep secrets. Loyal. But what I do know, is among those secrets, are things they need to hear."

"What are you talking about?"

"First things first, or shall I say first person first. I'd like you to tell them who really ruined Hannah's prom dress."

Prom was one of the best days of my life. Everything was fine during pictures, until we were about to leave. I was about to get into the limo, the only thing big enough to take all eleven of us, when I saw Hannah and Beth not coming. I went over to them and saw Hannah's beautiful black dress, the whole bottom dirtied with mud and a bit ripped. Someone did it on purpose.

He moves the source of the red light closer to me. As my eyes adjust to the dark, I can tell that it's a video camera on a tripod.


"Answer the question. And smile for the camera while you're at it."

"Listen, I swore to Hannah and Beth I wouldn't tell them. And if they're dead...." I pause thinking about the horrible thought "I'm honoring that."

"I'm going to give you one more chance." The man says.

"I told you, I'm not a snitch. And b-"

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