Chapter 10: Sanatorium Part 3:

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We take a moment to calm down, my heartbeat almost as much as when Mike scared me. I kneel down and comfort Wolfie. If there's a chance this dog can help us get out, it needs to be calm to do that.

"You okay boy?" I ask, slowly petting his fur.

He lets me pet him for a little longer before I get back up. I take out the journal.

"Take a few turns to the right and we'll see a staircase." I say, walking ahead.

"We got this." Mike says.

I smile and we continue on. We walk into another room and into a connecting one. There is a bigger hole in the floor. We look down and see a platform high enough for us to climb down. Mike hops down and helps me down. I look back up and see Wolfie staring down at us.

"Come on boy we got you." I say.

He looks at us reluctantly and walks away.

"Catch you on the flip side buddy." Mike says.

My heart pings at the nickname, reminding me of Matt. If he doesnt call me Y/Nc/n, he calls me buddy.God I hope we find him in the mines.

We climb down the platform and see that we are in some sort of boiler room. I check the map to see how close to the exit we are.

"Mike we literally go through that door and to our right is the entrance." I say.

We walk over to the steps when a screech rings out. We slowly turn around and see not one, not two, but four wendigoes hopping in through the hole. I grip his hand tightly, not planning on letting go until we're both out of here.

I look around wide eyed, thinking for any other possible choice. They are the only thing keeping us out. If we left now, they would follow.

"Get ready to run." He whispers.

I nod and look back to the wendigos.

He aims his gun at the boiler type machine and shoots. It explodes quickly and we run. The explosion sends us basically flying out of the sanitorium. We hit the ground with a loud grunt.

Landing on my back the way i did, completely knocked the wind out of me. After a moment I gain my breath and we both get up and look back. The sanatorium is completely up in flames.

"One bullet to spare." He says with a chuckle.

I chuckle back despite the situation.

"I know where to go, follow me okay?"

I nod and we run into the forest. There are footsteps in the snow leading to the sanatorium, probably his from before. He follows them like his life depends on it, which it kinda does.



"Is your shoulder okay?" I ask.

"It's fine." He says seriously.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He over to me as we run.

"It'll be fine. I'll check it later." He says reassuringly.

A few minutes of running later, a building comes into view. Well, less of a building, and more of a door in the side of the mountain.

"That's our way into the mines." He says.

A familiar screech rings out. We look back and see a wendigo, charred by the fire, still flaming orange and lunging towards us.

"Do those fuckers ever die?!" He asks no one and pulls me.

We run to the door and it gets closer. We throw open the door and Mike pushes me in. He turns to shut the door, but the wendigo makes it in.

"I said die fucker!" He yells, taking his gun out.

The wendigo pounces on him and he falls. Someone else yells at it and swings something at its head. It's head falls off and rolls to the side. The body slumps down and Mike starts getting up. I look back and see Sam.

"Sam." I say, going over to her and hugging her.

"What the hell happened?" She asks, pulling back after a moment.

"We blew up the sanatorium." I state.

"What the hell are you doing here anyways?" Mike asks.

"Well, I was going to warn you about the wendigos but it looks like you got the memo." She says wittily.

We slightly chuckle.

"Lets find Josh." Mike says.

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