Chapter 11: Josh

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We round a corner and head into a wider area that's roomy and pretty open. We get the comfort of a light shining through from above. We all look up and see a rocky jagged wall leading up to an open cave like a windowless skylight.

"Sam, could you climb up that?" Mike asks.

Sam studies it and puts her hands on her hips, a smirk appearing on her face after a minute.

"Easy. Why?"

"It's getting a lighter out, which means it's getting closer to dawn. You should go tell the others we're okay. We'll be back with Josh."

Sam nods and goes over to the wall. Mike follows and gives her a boost.

"You guys stay safe."

"You too."

Sam starts climbing up the wall, again making it look easy. We wait until she is pretty far up to leave her.

"We should get going." I say.

He nods and we walk down further. We enter a long open tunnel. It's creepily dark and strangely quiet. A shiver goes up my spine.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Mike says, stopping and getting something from his pocket.

He pulls out my bracelet and my eyes grow wide.

"Where did you find it?"

"I was looking for you when Josh took you, when I found it lying on the floor. That's how I knew something happened to you." Mike says as he puts the bracelet back on my wrist.

"Thank you so much Mike." I say hugging him.

"Of course M/nc/n."

We keep walking and I fiddle with my bracelet, a smile on my face. I glance to Mike and he looks at me, seeing my smile.


"I'm just really glad you found this Mike. I'm glad you found me in that room."

He smiles back and his expression changes to more curious.

"What did uh.. What did Josh do to you anyways?"

"Didn't I already tell you?"

"Well yeah but, he didn't do anything when you were in that room? He really just left you?"

He sounds like he doesn't believe me. Like he knows something else. I mean yeah I am lying a little bit, but there's really no need to say anything right?

"I mean, it just seemed like something else happened with how upset you were.." Mike says.

"Um.." I say, looking down and trying to think of what to say.

"He didn't touch you did he?" He asks, almost seeming scared.

"No, no he didn't do anything like that. I promise."

"Then what happened?"

"Mike I just.. I don't wanna talk about it okay?"

Mike, even with a concerned look on his face, nods and decides to let it go.


Walk for a while when I see something glint against Mike's flashlight.

"Wait Mike, what's that?" I ask walking over to where I saw it.

"Whats what?" Mike asks, shining his light on it again.

I pick it up and go silent with... shock? Emily was right.

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