Chapter 7: Sicko

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Again, M/Nc/N is whatever nickname you imagine Mike calling you.

Back to current Mike's Perspective:

I quickly open the door and see nothing, just darkness. I walk in and get hit in the face by a thin string. I realize it's to a light, and pull it down. A dim lightbulb lights up. I can see Y/n, tied with her hands up to a pipe. She has nothing but a towel on, a belt of some sort keeping it from falling. Tape covers her mouth, and tears running down her face. I rush over to her and undo her restraints.

Back to Y/n's perspective:

I start to wake up to the sound of distant voices. I start fighting and scream. My screams are muffled due to the tape covering my mouth, but it's my only way of getting out of here. The only reason I'm responding in the first place is because one voice is female, and the other doesn't sound like the maniac. I hear a muffled male voice yelling, seemingly in response to my cries of help.

I scream louder and hear footsteps. I hear nothing for a moment and see the door open. For a moment I am blinded by the light. When my eyes adjust, I see Mike staring at me wide eyed. He rushes over to me and cuts the tape off of my feet. He holds me up as he cuts off the ties and helps me down. He carefully takes the tape off of my mouth.

I get a better look at Mike. He has scrapes, smoke burns, and cuts all over his face, but looks brave as hell.

"Mike." I say weakly.

He sighs of relief.

"Yeah, it's me. You're okay now." He says.

I hug him and let out more tears. Tears of such relief. He hugs me back and comforts me. Mike has seen me cry before, but I don't think he's ever seen me cry like this. My mind goes back to what happened before I woke up and I break apart from the hug.

"Mike, we need to get out of here. There's a maniac here, and I think he's looking for you."

"Hey, hey... let's worry about getting you out of here first okay?" Mike says.

I not and put my arm over Mike's shoulder. He helps me stand fully and he helps me out of the room. I see Sam and leave Mike's side to hug her.

"God, I'm so happy you guys are okay," I say. "Where are my clothes?"

"That maniac put them on a dummy and hung it from the ceiling. Sicko. Are you sure you want to wear them?" Mike asks.

"Yeah, anything is better than this towel at this point." I say. "Sam, can you help me get dressed? I still feel kinda weak. The maniac gassed me with something."

"Yeah, let's go in here." Sam says, leading me into a room with a dummy that has my clothes on.

I shut the door behind me and see a dummy hanging from the ceiling. In all of my clothes. Creepy as hell.

"I'm so glad you guys found me... I thought no one would ever come." I say.

"Mike would have killed the maniac if he had to." Sam says.

"What do you mean?"

"When he figured out you went missing, he was going to find you no matter what." Sam says, handing me my clothes.

It's definitely weird to hear Sam say that he cared that much, but i'm so happy it was Mike who found me. It makes me less worried, seeing the maniac didn't get to him first.

Sam waits as I get dressed and we return to Mike.

I take a moment to observe the room around me. It looks like some sort of garage, but no garage door. Tools everywhere and blueprints. Wood planks and saw blades scattered around.

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