Chapter 8: Monster Part 2:

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Y/n's POV:

I walk into the large empty kitchen and go to refrigerator, opening the pull out freezer on the bottom. I shovel some ice with the dingy scooper and put it in a plastic baggy. I grab a paper towel and wrap it up. I go back to Sam and Ashley on the couch and hand my makeshift ice pack to Ashley.

"Thanks Y/Nc/n." She says, putting it over her eye.

"What happened?"

"Josh punched me."


"I tried to defend myself and obviously didn't know it was him. I slashed his shoulder with scissors when he knocked out Chris. He got angry and knocked me out."

"I'm so sorry Ash." I say, feeling genuinely sorry.

None of us deserved this. It's clear whatever treatment Josh was supposed to get didn't work. Or he didn't get it. We were the unfortunate victims of his mental issues. Makes me feel kinda bad for him because I know if he was well, doing this to us wouldn't even cross his mind.

She nods and exhales strongly, laying back into the couch cushions.

"Wait, where are Matt and Emily?" Ashley asks, sitting back up. "They've been gone for a long time. They said they were going for help, but that was like two or three hours ago."

My mind goes blank. Thinking of Josh mumbling that he couldn't find Matt, I start to get really worried, knowing Josh didn't have them or do anything to them.

"Yeah, Jo-"

Loud abrupt banging on the backdoor rings throughout the deadly silent lodge. It startles us all. Ashley and I basically beg Sam to answer it, her being the bravest one here. Sam leaves us and opens the door while we stay back in the living room.

"Emily?" Sam asks.

"Shut the door! Shut the door!" Emily says frantically, busting in past Sam.

Emily runs into the living room at full speed. She looks... shocking. She's still wearing what I last saw her in, but shes covered in dirt, dust, and some blood. There are cuts all over her face and like Mike, smoke stains her skin. The fluffy white top of her hood of her expensive coat is now matted and dirty.

"Em, are you alright?" Ashley asks as Emily practically collapses onto the couch.

"I didn't think that i'd make it.." Emily says, breathing fast.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"There was something..." Emily starts to say before Sam interrupts her.

"Where's Matt?"

"A monster... It's some monster thing!"

"What are you talking about?" Ashley asks.

"I said, there's something out there!"

"Relax... it was Josh, it was all Josh-" Sam starts to say.

"No, no no no listen to me it was after me... and it wasn't human..." Emily says balling her eyes out.

"Okay Em, just breathe for a minute. You're safe now okay?" I ask slowly, trying to calm her down. "Just take a couple deep breaths."

Emily takes a deep shaky breath. I unfortunately know what panic attacks are like and know nothing can be accomplished until your calm again.

"Em, can you tell us exactly what happened?" Sam asks slower than before.

"I'm trying to tell you. We were climbing up the fire tower, and it fell. The whole tower just fell! Right into the mines."

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