Chapter 14: Hospital / Part 1

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Sorry it's been so long! I had trouble on how to end it but I think I got it all sorted out!


After getting onto the helicopter, everyone having to split up onto the three helicopters due to space and weight capacity, they inform us that we are being taken to a medical facility. I look down and see the jacket around my leg slowly filling in blood. They have me on some sort of stretcher laying in the middle of the helicopter seats. Mike is sitting on one side of me, Ashley and Chris on another helicopter, and Sam and Emily on the last one. The whole time, Mike encouragingly telling me I'll be okay, gripping my hand for further comfort.

I feel myself starting to drift off as the helicopter lowers onto the helipad.


My eyes open slowly, my drowsy state wanting to keep me asleep. The first thing I notice is a slow beeping sound. I look to my left and see a window, the daylight shielded by light blocking curtains with sheer ones underneath. My eyes trail in front of me and that's when I notice it. I'm in a hospital bed.

I feel an extra weight on my right side and find Mike sitting in a chair pulled up next to the side of my bed. His head is laid on one of his arms and his eyes are closed, his face soft, but still has cuts and scrapes. He looks peaceful, almost like this terrible night didn't just happen.

I feel his hand holding mine and smile. My wrist has iv's connecting to a stand. I look around to the table next to the Iv stand and machines and see Matt's jacket folded up. I try to stretch and reach it, but the pain hits me. I remember back to what happened, the gashes in my leg and my ankle. It's too painful to reach and would make me move too much, waking Mike. I must have already moved too much, because Mike stirs and starts waking up, moving his head up slightly.

"Aw don't wake up." I whisper, moving my hand through his hair delicately.

He looks up at me sleepily and sinks into relief.

"Hey... how are you?" Mike asks, rubbing his eye.

"Peachy." I say with a light chuckle.

There is a moment of silence where we just look at each other. It's not a bad silence, like it's calming us down seeing each other calm. Seeing each other okay for one of the only times tonight. Well, from the daylight coming from outside, last night.

"So what even happened? I think I fell asleep when we landed."

"Well, they put you on a gurney and took you into surgery. You got stitches in your leg, you most likely bruised your tailbone, and you twisted your ankle in the fall. They let me see you a little bit ago, but you've been asleep."

"For how long?"

"A few hours."

I look down at myself, cuts, bruises, scrapes, and back up to Mike. The cuts, bruises, and even some smoke that couldn't be cleaned on his face look terrible, but for some reason, make him look more handsome. I think it's because it shows how brave he is and what he went through, still being alive. I remember back to who isn't and my smile fades.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

"Well here's the thing. You're the most injured out of any of us and not everyone needed a hospital bed. Emily, Chris, and you needed beds, Sam, Ashley, and I didn't. So for us, they started interviewing. Asking what happened to make a case about Josh and Jess and what all happened."

"What about your shoulder?" I ask.

"They bandaged it up." He says, pulling the side of his collar down to show the bandage.

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