Chapter 15: Police Tapes / Part 2

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"Okay, What happened to Joshua Washington? When they didn't find him in the shed?"

"When Chris came back, we all went into the basement to wait until help came. Mike and I left for the sanatorium to find Josh because he had the keys to the cable car. We assumed he was dragged into the mines. It was our only hope of getting out earlier. We were afraid that if we waited cooped up together and one of those monsters found us, we would all be dead." I explain.

She nods.

"We made it back into the mines after the sanatorium blew and we found Sam. Sam was able to get out and tell everyone that we were okay. Mike and I found Josh, and we tried to escape... we were so close... but a wendigo grabbed him and dragged him away." I say, my breath pacing at the memory.

"Why didn't it get you and Mike?"

I give a small half smile and my breathing calms. I would be dead if it wasn't for him.

"Mike. He saved me. He saw the wendigo coming and he hid with me, grabbing me out of the way, we weren't able to save Josh... It was too close to him." I say, putting my head into my hands.

I can't help but feel guilty that it's my fault Josh is... gone. Hopefully still alive. I hear the scribbles of her pen.

"Mike said you two found a journal, it had Hannah Washington's handwriting. Is this true?"

"Yes..." I say, looking back up.

She checks something on the paper.

"This is going to be a sensitive topic, but we have to talk about your friends that didn't make it..." The woman says, adjusting her glasses. "What can you tell us about Jessica Riley?"

I look at the table.

"Mike told me that the wendigo took her... he found her on an elevator shaft leading down into the mines, her jaw was.... ripped away from her mouth." I say, wiping the tears.

The woman writes a lot down.

"Okay, one more topic to talk about.. What do you mean by wendigos? How does that work with cannibalism?"

"The people at the sanatorium were experimenting on the miners that came in after being in the mines for those few weeks. They dragged the testing on so long that they became wendigoes. Something happened and one got out, took the whole place down. They tried locking them away but they broke free."

"What else can you tell me about them?"

"They can only see movement, Gunshots don't kill them, only fire, but one of them was Hannah..." I say.

"Hannah Washington?" The woman asks.

"Yes, one of them had her butterfly tattoo. She took Josh."

The woman sighs and looks up from her clipboard.

"Listen, you've had a long night... is there any possibility that Josh killed them?"

I look up at her, not thinking she is serious.

"Are you saying that I'm making things up? Seeing things? That Josh killed his friends?"

"I'm just saying that it's a possibility." The woman says.

"I saw the wendigos with my own eyes, we all did. That... wouldn't even be possible. We locked up Josh and he was with me when Matt... disappeared.. Josh told me himself he didn't know where Matt was and told all of us he didn't kill Jess. He didn't even know what happened to her. If he's alive he probably does now. Those monsters did this to me." I say, looking down at my hospital gown. "I'm done here." I say, my anger rising.

"Okay... We can be done." The woman says, not wanting to push me further.

It feels like the perfect moment to storm out, but I pathetically have to wait for her to wheel me out. The woman finishes writing and gets up. She wheels me back to the waiting room, where I see no one but Mike waiting sitting in a chair. He looks up at me and stands as the woman wheels me over before going back down the hall. 

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod.

"Just glad it's over." 

I hear a door open and glance over, certainly not expecting my next sight. 


He smiles widely.


I try to get up and Mike stops me.


"Mike I don't give a shit, help me up." 

He chuckles and helps me up to stand. I immediately hug Matt tight, feeling him do the same. All the worry about him being dead washes away and it's just him here now. 

"My god where the hell were you?" I cry into his shoulder.

"I don't even know. Running through tunnels and tunnels," He says, pulling back. "I found light and saw a hellicopter. It saw me and turned around to pick me up." 

"Does everyone else know you're okay?" I ask, sitting back down slowly.

"I-I don't think so? You're the first two I've seen." Matt says, giving Mike a hug. "Did everyone make it?"

I look to Mike.

"Jess and Josh didn't.." 

His hopeful expression washes away.

"Shit man, I'm sorry." 

Mike nods and the lady from before walks back in.

"Thank you for your cooperation. We have drivers out front that can take you home."

After talking and saying goodbye to Matt for another few minutes, we all head outside to the two cars parked.

"Love you, Matt." I smile.

"Love you too, get some rest." 

The lady wheels me up to the back door of one and opens it as Matt gets into the other.

"Thank you." I say.

Mike comes in front of me.

"Sorry y/nc/n I know this is going to hurt." He says.

I nod and hold out my arms for him. Mike helps me up and into the car. He shuts the door and I see the woman walking back into the center with the chair. Mike gets in on the other side and shuts his door. We put on our seat belts.

"Address?" The driver asks as I watch Matt's car drive away.

"1952 Blackwood Drive." Mike says.

As the car pulls away, I take one last look at the building, realizing it is the healthcare center just outside of town. It's our town's version of the sanitorium without the mental patients. It's a weird combo between police and hospital. People don't normally come here, only for if someone gets in a car crash or something where both medical and criminal cases are needed to be sorted.

"Would it be more or less painful for you to lay down in here?" Mike asks.

"Probably more."

He nods and I lean into his chest, resting my head above his collarbone. He rubs my shoulder and we ride the rest of the way in peaceful silence.


Hii! Sorry if Matt coming back was a little out of place, but I knew I couldn't just let him go! I hope you've enjoyed! The story is almost over, only a few more chapters to go. Thank you guys so much for staying and reading this much! Your votes seriously do matter. It keeps me coming back to this story. So, enough of my babbles, the next chapter / part will be out soon! -Maddie

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