Chapter 2: Catfight / Part 2:

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Again, Ill include this at the start of every chapter but,

Y/Nc/N - Your nickname.

M/Nc/N - The nickname Mike calls you. I wanted this to be rather custom to you so whatever you feel like he would call you, insert here.

Emily starts whining and looking around.

"Matt? Where's my bag?"

Matt gets up.

"What bag?"

"The little pink one? We got it at that rodeo? Remember? It was next to that Italian shoe place where you were drooling over that girl on the counter?"

There's an awkward silence for a few moments.

"I wasn't drooling Em. She was asking about my letter jacket."

"Who cares about it?"


"My bag Matt!"

"Okay, you could have left it at the station."

"Well then let's go dum dum."She says.

I can tell Matt is almost at his breaking point.

"Mind if I go?" I ask.

"Nope." Matt says gladly.

"Good, you can help us look, let's go." Emily says.

I wave back at who isn't going and go to the coat rack. I put on my coat and head out with them.

"It'll be quick Em. The station's only fifteen to twenty minutes away." Matt reassures her.

Emily walks ahead and I walk with Matt at our own pace.

"Talk to me Matt." I say.

"She's always like this around Mike."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault." 

"I know its just.. I know what it does to you."

He nods and walks ahead to Emily, who is waiting at the lodge's gate, basically having a fit.

"Huh." Matt says.

"What Matt?" Emily asks.

"This ax is missing."

I look down and see an ax holder they keep here in case of emergencies, but the ax is gone.

"That's not creepy at all." I say sarcastically.

Emily opens the gate and we walk through.

"Why would it be missing?"

"Maybe an ax wielding murderer is in these woods, waiting to... STRIKE." Matt says, his hands quickly press into my shoulders.

I jump and hit his chest.

"Second time today Matt." I say, shaking my head in disappointment.

"Guys, let's focus on getting there okay?" Emily asks.

"What's so important about this bag anyways? What's in it?" Matt asks.

"Stuff for later." Emily says, smirking and winking.

"And i'm out." I say, putting my hands up and backing up.

We keep walking up the trail for another ten-ish minutes, when the cable station appears. We walk up onto the outer porch and look around on the benches and the floor.

"Could it be inside?" Matt asks.

"Let's check."

I go to open the door, but it doesn't budge.

"Locked." I say.

"Oh come on! Now how do we get in now?" Emily whines.

Damn that's getting annoying fast. I look around and see a window propped open slightly.

"There's a window, tight fit." I propose.

Matt walks over to the window and studies it.


"I can't fit in there!"

"I'll do it." I say quickly, willing to do it if it stops her whining. 

I walk over to the window. Matt gives me a boost and I haul myself in. It's a tight squeeze, and it's hard to get in. I get my leg in and feel a surface which i'm guessing is a desk. I slip in and it's completely dark.

"I'm in!" I yell back.

"Look for the door. It should be to your left."Matt says.

"I wouldn't have been able to fit that." Emily says.

"Come on Em. I've seen you slip into some tight jeans." Matt says a bit hushed.

Of course the walls are paper thin. I feel around and find the wall. I feel around and walk to my left.

"You've seen me slip out of them too." Emily says quieter.

I roll my eyes, cringing hard, and feel a door handle. I feel a nub and turn it. I try the door again and it opens.

"Seriously guys. The walls, paper thin." I say, motioning them in.

"Let's just get this bag and head back. It's cold as hell out there." Emily says, walking in with Matt.

I find a light switch and turn it on. The whole place is trashed. Papers and furniture thrown around.

"What the hell happened here?" I ask, looking for her bag.

"We were just here like twenty minutes ago." Matt says.

"Ooh, here it is!" Emily says, picking up her bag from the floor.

"Great! Let's go."

We leave the trashed station and start our way back. My phone suddenly rings. I look at the screen and see Josh's name. 

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Y/n, I need some help back at the lodge. Could you get back fast?"

"Yeah I'll take the back path."

"See ya."

I hang up.

"Josh needs me so i'm gonna take the back path." I say.

"What for?"

"I dunno, he didn't say."

"Huh, okay. See you there." Emily says.

"Bye guys. Don't get killed by an ax wielding murderer."

"We'll be safe. Promise." Matt says.

I smile and turn back to the path. I jog back to the lodge wondering what could be so urgent.

Credits: The GIF is from Butterflies; Until Dawn by Johnmarstons.

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