Chapter 8: Monster / Part 1:

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Chris and I and roughly escort Josh to the shed. He woke up pissed.

"Guys come on!" Josh argues.

Josh looks back to Chris pleadingly.

"Chris... Bro..."

"Why'd you have to hit her man? Why'd you have to fucking hit her?!" Chris asks.


"Ashley. You punched Ashley, you piece of shit!"

We turn around a bend and the shed comes into view.

"I... I got so mad. She cut me with those fucking scissors."

"With good reason." I object.

"You don't hit a girl Josh. You just don't." Chris says simply.

I look at Chris and he looks heated. I am too, for multiple reasons, but starting a fight isn't going to make anything better. Hitting him right now would probably feel great, but it wont help in the long run. Its strange seeing Chris upset. Furious is something iv'e never seen on his face until now. Chris is the nicest one in the group, the purest. Now seeing him on the brink of killing his best friend. How the tables have turned.

"W-Where are you guys taking me?"

"Locking you up."


"We cant let you do anything stupid until the morning."

"Come on guys! I didn't even do anything that ba-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Chris argues.

"Your a fucking murderer and a creep that's what you are." I say, walking into the shed.

There's a single supporting beam in the middle that looks like a good spot to leave him and hopefully tie him up.

"I didn't do it man. I did not hurt Jessica-"

"Are you insane? Do you not understand what you've done?" Chris says.

"I'm a healer man. I bring people together. Not like you assholes." 

"That's enough." I stop him.

I look around and spot rope on a hook. A little further back is a stool in front of a desk. 

"Chris grab that rope. And that stool in the back." I say, holding Josh's back firm against the beam.

Chris nods and lets go. He goes and Josh fights against my grip.

"Where do you think your going asshole?" I say, keeping him still.

"Come on Mike! You know me, I wouldn't hurt Jess."

"I don't think I know you as well as I thought I did."

"Guys come on! I'm-"

"Stop trying to look like the good guy. Your not!" Chris says.

"It's not my fault you guys cant take a joke."

I scoff and bring Josh's arm behind him and up more. I pull it a bit hard and Josh winces.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just hurt you?" I ask sarcastically. "Did you not like the little bit of pain? I'm so SO sorry."

I pull it tighter and he screams.

"Stop it!" Josh yells.

"Mike." Chris says.

"Michael... I'm sorry man... I'm so sorry that something happened to Jess but I swear to you, I promise, I have no idea what happened to her..." Josh says.

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