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It was just another day. Another day where I did nothing but live. 

After I woke up, I ate breakfast, quickly checked my social media and went to work. 

I used my breaks to write or spend them on Reddit or Instagram. Sometimes I read but most stories were boring anyway. 

Then I went back to work. I worked a normal, boring office job. It was the same every day but I didn't care. 

My life never had a sense anyway. I only stayed because it wouldn't use anybody if I died right now and because of him. 

I wanted to meet him someday. He is a good person. he is nice, gentle, funny and so much more. 

Sadly, I'm not the only one who thinks that. There are many people who like him. But nobody really knows him. 

They know him from Interviews, they know how he looks, who he hangs out with and all those impersonal stuff you know from social media. 

But I knew him before he was famous. I'm probably the only one who remembers him. He changed a lot. 

We texted over Instagram and of course, the dumbass I was had to catch feelings. But who could blame me, he had the same humour as me and a meme page. If that wasn't enough, he was caring, honest, thoughtful, respectful, intelligent, unselfish, self-confident and someone you could talk to all night. He was tall, had black hair and was just my type. 

He was perfect. 

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