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But, of course, Kawa noticed. 

Hey, I saw that you don't publish any more stories. Why did you stop?

I just didn't feel like it anymore haha

I hope you understand 

Of course. I just read them for y/n anyway

what do you mean by that?

I read them because I liked y/n's character

oh, I didn't expect that lol

Yeah. They are a bit similar to you and also an old friend of mine

that's cool, I assume 

yeah, kind of

I smiled. Kawa always made my day. Was it with simple compliments, him caring for me or this subtle flirting. I loved it. I think I loved him as well. 

In this short time which honestly felt like months maybe even years, I could feel myself falling for him more and more. I think I fell for him in a shorter time than it took me to fall for Mattsun. He really was something special. 

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