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But all that left me with a question. How did I feel about Mattsun? Did I still love him? The simple answer was yes. He was the love of my life and I would never be able to let him go. But then there was the fact that I fell for Kawa as well. 

Kawa and Mattsun were so alike that I often questioned if I really liked Kawa. I knew that he was something special to me but I wasn't sure about my feelings. 

Was I even poly? I didn't know. 

After taking some quizzes, I knew that I was most likely poly or at least fine with living in a poly relationship. 

After I realized it, I quickly texted Kawa. I always told him about everything that happened in my life. 

eyo, I just wanted to tell you that I'm polyamorous 

what does that mean lol

it means that I can fall in love with more than one persona t the same time 

I didn't know that was possible but cool for you. I may also be poly, idk though

How did you realize?

I actually got a second crush lol

now that I think about it, same

omg tell me, who?

so there is this one love of my life person that hates me and then there's this cute boy I've been texting lately 

you were texting someone besides me, I'm hurt </3

dumbass, it's you

wait what?
but you don't even know me 

oh, I know you
I don't know your full name neither your face but I know you

you're right 

so won't I get a rejection or do you actually return my feelings?

I actually do 

that's great, wanna be my boyfriend?


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