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"Mattsun, your gotta see this", I heard someone call for me. It was Oikawa. He was the one who got me this offer and that's why I hate him. It wasn't his fault and I don't really hate him but I often pretended I did. I never told anyone about what happened. Nobody ever knew about Makki and I would probably never tell anyone. It would hurt too much. 

"What is it", I asked in an annoyed tone. Oikawa was very annoying but I accepted it over time. "So you know that I often read on Wattpad?", Oikawa started. Of course, I did. He always talked about those stories about aliens he found on there. Recently, he discovered xreader stories and because he simps for one famous singer, he reads them. He also told me a lot about how there were some about us. I found the idea of reading something like this weird but I honestly didn't care. "Yeah, I do", I replied. "Okay, so I found some about you and there is this one creator with 500k followers who solely writes some about you. And they are always with a male or non-binary y/n", Oikawa continued. So there weren't only girls simping over the picture of me, they imagined. "What should I do with this information?", I asked. "Negativity be gone", he shouted. Really? Was that all he could say? "Stop stealing his lines", I replied. "Anyway, it is important because they wrote about 100 different stories maybe even more", Oikawa responded. 100? Who had the motivation to write that many stories and who on earth would write something like this? "What?", is asked. "Thought so. They have a lot of stories but they've never written smut, that's good. Anyway, maybe you should try to contact them because I think they have a Crush on you. Maybe you'll get over your depri trip and whoever stole your heart ages ago", Oikawa said. I like the idea of someone not sexualizing me although they probably got a lot of pressure from those thirsty people. But they didn't know me so why should I contact them? They probably had a wrong image of me as well. What surprised me was that Oikawa looked through me. He somehow understood that I was madly in love with someone who I would never have because of a stupid mistake I made. "Maybe I'll look through one of the stories one day", I said to calm Oikawa. I didn't actually plan on doing so. 

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