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hey, sry for not talking to you. i had a lot on my mind lately. i hope you're fine with it and if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you some questions regarding the love of your life 

I was happy that Hiro finally talked to me again, but the fact that I had to talk to him about Makki was scaring me. I decided to still do it, I needed to get it off my chest anyway. 

I don't mind. Text me whenever you feel like it, you have priority. And it's fine for me. I will tell you as much as I'm comfortable telling you. You can just ask questions and I'll answer them, okay?


when did you realized that you like him?

It was while we still had contact. I didn't confess though, I'm a coward 

don't worry, I did the same lol

anyway, how did you two loose contact?

I blocked him, deleted his number and deleted my social media account 

why though? didn't you know that it would hurt him?

I did and I regret that I did it. I have no valid excuse for it. It was just the fact that I got a new job offer which he wouldn't have proven and I was scared that he would hate me for that so I gave him a real reason to hate me. I regretted it immediately but I couldn't undo it nor apologize. I couldn't contact him anymore and I had the feeling that it was better that way. He deserved better and I knew that he hated probably me since then so I tried to move on. I couldn't. There is no day on which I don't regret what I did and on which I don't love him. I will love him forever and nothing is ever going to change that

sry, I needed to pour my heart out. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable, you're my boyfriend after all

it's all good. something similar happened to me, just vice-versa so it's good to hear that he might still care lol

anyway, I gtg rn but ttyl <33

good night, take care of yourself, I love you <33


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