Two. Roger Rabbit

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Nobody's gonna hold your hand,
And guide you through,
No, it's up for you to understand.


I've been living in this hotel room for a bit less than a week. Before prison, I had quite a lot of money, so I can afford this room. It's not mine, and I miss my apartment, but I've got nowhere else to go. I've lost my old home...and my friends. I can't stay in this place forever; I need to get my own place. I want to go to San Diego. It's always been a place I want to see - I've heard it's nice, and I can have a completely fresh start there. No-one I know or used to know lives there. I'll have a clean slate.

I'm trying not to spend much money, but all I'm buying from the local Walmart is meat, which is expensive. I'm obviously not a vegetarian, so I'm not going to buy anything but meat for my meals. I need more money, though, if I want to save up for a place in San Diego. I'm not earning anything. I need a job. A job that doesn't require many qualifications. A job that criminals can do. The first thing that I think of is the KFC round the corner from this hotel. A criminal record doesn't matter if you want to work at KFC, does it? It's a good job that's suited for me - I'll be earning money and spending time around meat. Bird meat and human meat. Big chunks of human meat that I'd love to sink my teeth into...

No. I can't let my vampirism and desire for human blood take over my life. I let it take me over one night, which resulted in ten years as a prisoner. That can't happen again. From now on, no more killing. I know I can't survive without human meat entirely, but I can survive for a while. What was it Mom told me when I was a kid? I close my eyes and remember...

"And Kellin, if anything happens to must remember this, ok? This will be the difference between life and death."

"Yes, Mom. What is it?"

"A vampire can survive for around ten and a half years without consuming any human meat or blood, but they'll die if they don't have any for more than around the ten and a half year mark. Ok?"

"Ok...I won't need to worry about that though, will I? You'll always be here to get human meat for me, right?"

She's dead now.

She told me that before a Bout. "Bout" was the name for a fight between vampires and werewolves. Vampires and werewolves have always been against each other. I used to live in a nice house by a vast forest with my parents, who were both vampires. The forest was where all the Bouts happened. A family of five werewolves lived near Bouts often happened. And we always had a disadvantage - there were only three of us, and there were five of them. I clearly remember that Bout was my first Bout. I was ten back then, and Mom and Dad never let me go to a Bout; they told me it was too dangerous for a kid. So I had always stayed at home, alone. But they let me go to that Bout.

I think they thought this Bout would be especially dangerous, because Mom had never said "in case anything happens to me" before. When that fateful Bout started in the forest on that fateful afternoon, the werewolves all looked at me like I was dirt. They had a kid too - a slim guy who looked about fourteen. There was also a girl who looked about nineteen, a middle-aged couple (the parents) and a boy who looked a little bit younger than the girl. I'd never really felt small before, but in that moment, I felt tiny.

And so the Bout started. The werewolf family all transformed into hideous grey beasts with yellow eyes and sharp white teeth, while my parents transformed. Vampire tramsformations aren't quite so dramatic - our skin turns really pale, almost white, our eyes turn red, and our canine teeth turn into fangs, razor sharp: perfect for ripping up flesh. My parents and the wolves (apart from the fourteen-year-old boy) started fighting each other. I should've fought too. I should've done everything differently...but I was too scared. Instead of being brave, I climbed up a tree and watched from above as my parents got ripped apart by the wolves and left there to rot. So there I was, curled up in the tree, trembling, alone. Just imagine a small ten-year-old boy, suddenly without the two people who loved him and cared for him - the two people who he relied on...

I've always regretted climbing up that stupid tree and watching like a coward. To this day, that Bout haunts me and haunts me until I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. If I could turn back time, I definitely would, but I can't. Well, at least I've learnt how to survive on my own. I don't even know how I survived all those years after their death. I know that we didn't have to pay rent, because Dad had built that house himself for us. But those years of growing up, getting a job and saving up for my own apartment away from the forest are a blur to me. All I know is that I did it.

So that's my tragic story.

Wait...Mom said ten and a half years, didn't she?

"A vampire can survive for around ten and a half years without consuming any human meat or blood, but they'll die if they don't have any for more than around the ten and a half year mark. Ok?"

Shit! It's been about ten years - I need to eat someone!



I got the job at KFC! Honestly, during my interview, I wanted to tear the interviewer's head off and feast on it, but I didn't. I haven't had a chance to eat anyone since I got out of prison. I should get my own place in San Diego first, and then start killing again. I don't want to get arrested, but I don't really have a choice about eating people. I'm going to die if I don't.

I need to think of a strategy - the forest near my house was the perfect place to eat people, but I don't have that anymore. Let me think...there are beaches in San DIego, right? I could eat someone behind a rock, or in a cave or something, and throw their remains in the ocean. Perfect! I am a clever vampire.

But first, I need to work at KFC until I've got the money for a San Diego apartment. I've still got quite a lot of money, so I shouldn't need to work at KFC for that long. I just hope I can resist my temptation to sink my teeth into everyone I see.

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