Four. Feel

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And I feel,
I feel so alive again.



I unlock the door to my brand new apartment in San Diego and step inside. It smells of fresh starts. I like it. There's a window near the couch. I look out of it and see the beach. It's a nice view...but pretty much all I can think about right now is my hunger. There's a mirror to my right. I lift up my t-shirt and look at my belly, but there's hardly any belly there. I'm wasting away - I'm too skinny for my own good. I have been eating, but like I said, a vampire needs human meat as well as animal meat. I'm gonna die soon. I am going to die soon. The thought of being so dangerously close to death sends a shiver up my spine.

I am definitely going to die...unless I eat someone.

As quick as I can, I open my suitcase, pull out my dark grey swimming trunks, put them on, and leave the apartment, locking the door behind me.

I walk swiftly to the beach, desperately trying to resist temptation whenever I pass someone on the street. I reach the beach and spot a cave in the distance. Perfect. I go into it and sit on the cool rock floor, waiting for someone to show up. I'm hidden in a shadow - my black hair hides my face and blends into the darkness, my swimming trunks are dark grey and blend into the darkness...the only thing that could possibly stand out in this shadow is my pale skin. It's been getting paler over the weeks I've spent without human meat.

I can hear someone's breaths, getting lourder and louder. Someone's coming! And they're alone - I can't hear any other breaths. One thing I forgot to mention about vampires: we have excellent hearing. The person gets nearer and nearer, until I can see them step into the cave I'm in. It's a middle-aged guy with a beer belly and a hairy chest. Good...plenty of meat. I curl into a ball and hold my breath so he can't hear me, but then I realise that holding my breath is pointless; ordinary people don't have vampire hearing. No-one even believes in vampires these days. This guy wouldn't be able to hear my breaths. My skin's getting colder; my eyes are changing; my canine teeth have that familiar feeling of changing shape...

He hasn't even seen me. He's slowly, unintentionally inching closer to me...anytime now...

He gets too close for his own good, and that's when I pounce. I cover his mouth so no-one can hear him scream and sink my teeth into his shoulder. His blood spurts out like a fountain, and I lick it up like it's ice cream. I eat the fuck out of him until it's just his skeleton left. I've devoured him - it only took about two minutes. But I've been waiting over ten years for this. He was delicious. I lick his bones until every last drop of his blood is inside me. Wiping my lips, I gather up the guy's bones and throw them into the sea. A huge rock hides me from people on the beach's view, so they can't see. It would be quite alarming to see a skinny pale dude with long black hair emerging from a dark cave and throwing a heap of bones into the sea...

I blink over and over until I can feel my eyes returning to their normal color, and my skin gets a little warmer. I'm finally, I don't need to worry about eating human meat. I can just focus on living my own life in my own apartment. I finally feel alive - I felt so weak before. Now, I can focus on my fresh start.

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