Sixteen. Caraphernelia

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What if I can't forget you?

I'll burn your name into my throat,

I'll  be the fire that'll catch you.


When I go home after work, I flop on the couch and just stay there, feeling hopeless. I'm so mad at myself. I still have feelings for Kellin, and I knew that during our appointment today, so why did I end it?

I'm never going to forget him. It's pointless to try. I've fucked up and now Kellin probably hates me. I let my stupid "no love" rule get in the way of my feelings. Sometimes it's better to break the rules and be true to yourself than stick to the rules and pretend...

I need to see Kellin. I need to. I need to tell him that I'm sorry. It's killing me that I can't apologise right now. Will he even make another appointment with me? I doubt it. God dammit, Vic. You're so stupid.

I hold the wooden paw print on my necklace in my hands.

"What do I do, Mom?" I whisper hopelessly.


Days pass - unbearable days of not knowing whether Kellin's going to show up or not. Eventually I ask Sue, the woman at the counter, about him.

"Sue, has Kellin Bostwick made an appointment this week?"

"Kellin Bostwick?" she says, looking at her computer screen. "No, not this week."

"Okay. Thanks."

I'm really starting to hate myself.

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