Twenty Three. Currents Convulsive

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I'm in love,

But not for long.


Tonight is the most eventful night ever. First, to my stupidity, I decide to take Kellin out for dinner on a full moon night. I should've looked up when the next full moon is before I took him out. Second, I find out that my brother is in town looking for me, after years of us not being in contact with each other. Third, we come across Mike in a dark alley and he tells Kellin what I did to his leg all those years ago. Fourth, I transform and Kellin sees the real me. Fifth, Kellin transforms and I see the real him. Now, we're just standing here, staring at each other with blood on our clothes, beside Mike's carcass.

"I think we need to talk," I say.

"Yeah," Kellin agrees. "I think we do."

I carry my brother's remains, with Kellin following me, to the beach. We find a hidden cave and dispose of him. Then we sit down next to each other and wait for the other to start talking.

"It was fourteen years ago," I finally say. "I was eighteen, my sister was seventeen, and my brother was sixteen. It was the night I was going to leave for San Diego to become a therapist. I'd told my brother and sister what I was planning to do a while ago, and they always doubted me. I knew they thought I shouldn't become a therapist. But they only decided to tell me why on the night I was gonna leave. They sat me down in the house we lived in, the house our mom had died in the day before, and told me how they felt. They thought that, because I was always the strongest werewolf, I would just lose control and transform in front of the clients. I disagreed, and I was really mad that they thought I couldn't handle myself. When I got up to leave, they wouldn't let me go. So we transformed and got into a fight...well, my sister didn't transform. She never transformed; she was too weak. Too gentle. She was much nicer than Mike, anyway. When I ripped his leg off, she ran away. I think she went to Florida. She'd always wanted to go there. And later on, I left too."

Kellin looks lost in thought. "I thought the only werewolves left were..."

Suddenly his face changes completely. He looks up at me with wide eyes and a shocked, hurt expression.

"It was you!" he cries.

"What?" I frown.

"The werewolf family my parents used to have Bouts with, in the forest in Florida. It was you...wasn't it?!"

Suddenly the memories come flooding back. Travelling to Florida for Bouts. The forest. The vampire family. The parents transforming. Their son climbing up a tree to hide. My family fighting the vampire couple. Me sitting back and neglecting the fight. The vampire son's black hair...

Oh my was Kellin...

"You were the boy who climbed up the tree in the last Bout," I say slowly.

"And you were the boy who never transformed," he replies. "But I thought you said you and your family travelled a lot because of a family business..."

"It was," I say. "Business between your family and mine. Except I didn't know it was you at the time..."

We spend a long moment to just stare at each other, realisation overcoming us both. I hate this silence. I need to end it.

"I don't know what to say to you," I say.

"Then don't say anything," Kellin snaps, glaring at me icily.

He's mad at me, isn't he?

"Are...are you mad at me?" I ask cautiously.

Kellin hides his face with his hair and thinks for a moment. Finally he looks back up at me, and he looks sad instead of angry.

"No," he admits. "I thought I was - your parents killed mine - but you never transformed. And..." He sighs. "And I love you too much to be mad."

I want to smile, but neither of us are capable of that tonight. We're discovering so many hidden truths about each other - they seem to just keep coming. We're not happy. Just emotional.

"I guess it's safe to tell you now," Kellin sighs.

"Tell me what?" I frown.

Kellin looks me sadly in the eyes. "The mistake I made ten years ago, with my girlfriend."

I sit up, eager to hear it. I've been wondering about this since we first met all those weeks ago.

"My girlfriend didn't die naturally," he says, sighing. "I killed her."

I expect myself to be shocked, but honestly it doesn't bother me that much. Considering we both just partook in the death of my little brother, hearing that Kellin killed his girlfriend seems quite mellow.

"I just lost control," Kellin says bitterly. He seems angry at himself. "But you can't call the cops on me. It happened ten years ago, I've done my time. I know I'm a murderer."

"I just killed my brother," I say. "And you helped. Of course I'm not gonna call the fucking cops on you."

Kellin relaxes. Still, neither of us are smiling. There's nothing to smile about.

"But hey, I just realised why I thought of a purple triangle when you asked me to think of my girlfriend."

"Well, that's good, I guess. Why is it?"

"She always used to wear a necklace with a dark purple triangle on the end. She said it used to belong to her mom."

My heart skips a beat. A dark purple triangle necklace that used to belong to her mom... can't be...

"What was her name?" I ask desperately.

Kellin frowns at me.

"What was her name, Kellin?!" I demand.

Kellin's frown deepens. "Katelynne, why?"

Oh my God...

"How was it spelt?"


I'm sweating. I'm cold. I feel like I'm going to faint. Is there a lack of air in this cave?

"No..." I whisper.

I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face. The man I love killed Katelynne...

"Vic, what's wrong?" asks Kellin, placing his hand on my arm.

I bat away his hand in fury. I can't believe this. I can't believe him. I bow my head and sob to myself. When the sobs end, I take some deep breaths.

Still not looking at him, I say to Kellin, "Katelynne...Katelynne was my sister."

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