Twenty Four. Alone

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Every time that I am near you is the only time I feel alright,

If there were any way I could think to turn back time,

I'd stay here with you.


This can't be happening.

This cannot be happening.

I've jeopardised the future I could've had with the man I love...and all because of that stupid fucking mistake I made ten years ago.

Katelynne, I can deal with the way you like to haunt me. But now you've completely and utterly ruined my life. What the hell am I going to do?! Vic is going to hate me. Shit, I think he already does.

"But...but I thought you didn't have a good relationship with your siblings?" I offer.

Vic looks up at me with an icy glare. "Mike was a twat," he growls. "But Katelynne...she was nicer to me..."

His eyes are slowly turning yellow. Oh god...

"Vic, I - "

"You WHAT?!" he yells, slowly standing up. "Are you gonna say you're sorry? Well I think it's a bit fucking late for that, Kellin! God, I even thought I loved you! How could I be so fucking stupid?!"

I feel a lump in my throat. What the fuck have I done?!

"Vic..." I whisper, so quietly I hardly even hear myself.

He's growling. Shit, he's going to transform. His eyes are now completely yellow, and he's more hairy than he was a minute ago. I jump up, preparing myself for the wolf to take over entirely.

"You're a dead man, Kellin Quinn Bostwick," Vic growls menacingly. "A dead man."

And then I do the only thing I can do in this situation.

I run.

I leave the cave and run back to the town just as the rain starts. I push past people in my way - no time for that shit. I weave in and out of alleyways. I can hear Vic chasing after me, but he's not a wolf. Yet. I don't know where I'm running to. If I was planning to go home, I've gone the wrong way. So where the hell am I going?!

I take a sharp turn, thinking that Vic will lose me, and head down a dark empty alleyway. I think it's the one where we killed Mike earlier, but I'm not certain. I tune into my vampire hearing. Shit...Vic's catching up with me.

I have to face him at some point. I can't keep running forever. Where will I even run to? It's not like I have anywhere to go. Hesitantly, I stop running and turn around. Vic stops too and glares at me, his yellow eyes shining like flashlights in the darkness.


But what the hell do I say now? I can't apologise. I can't turn back time. I can't assume that he'll get over it. I can't say anything to make him happy.

"I...I don't know what to say to put things right between us," I try.

"Save it," Vic snaps, circling me like a predator.

He sounds more animal than man. He's deadly. This isn't therapist material at all...

That's it!

"Look at you," I say condescendingly. "You're a beast circling prey. You're not a man right now, Vic. You may look like one, but inside you're just a mindless wolf. Think of what you told me. You wanted to become a therapist so you could help people, right? You wanted to stop people wanting to take their lives."

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