Nineteen. If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn

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They say that love is forever,

Your forever is all that I need.

Please stay as long as you need.

Can't promise that things won't be broken,

But I swear that I will never leave.

Please stay forever with me.


After hours of waiting and waiting and waiting, my phone finally vibrates. I pick it up from my bed and excitedly read the text I just got:

Hey Kellin, it's Vic. Just finished work. Text me back or call me ASAP xx

A huge grin wriggles onto my face as I swiftly press the call button. Vic picks up straight away.

"Hey," he says. His voice is so damn attractive.

"Hey," I say back. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in my apartment."

"Can I come over?"


I look around. My apartment is a mess: my clothes are strewn all over the floor, my bed isn't made, there are beer cans in the corner...does he really want to come over?

"Are you sure?" I ask. "It's a mess."

"You're there," Vic says. "That's all I care about."

I smile the biggest smile I think I've ever done. And I can tell that he's smiling, too.

"Then yes, you can come over."

I tell him my address and flop onto my bed, waiting for him to arrive. When I hear the doorbell, I leap up and pull the door open.

"Hi," Vic smiles.

Without hesitation I shut the door and pull him into a kiss. We wrap our arms around each other and keep kissing for a while. I guess long kisses are our thing.

After the kiss, Vic takes a look round my apartment.

"Sorry it's such a mess," I say shyly.

Vic scrutinises the space around him. I feel like I'm a chef being inspected by a food critic.

"I like it," Vic says, smiling.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah, it's nice. Small. Cosy." He slips his hands around my waist. "Big enough for two, though."

I place my hands on his shoulders and kiss him. "You can stay the night, you know." I suddenly feel a rush of nerves. "I-if you want."

Vic gives me a cheeky grin. "And do what, Mr Bostwick?"

I feel myself turn bright red.

"I didn't mean it like that...I mean, it was just - "

"Kellin, relax," Vic smiles, stroking my cheek. "I was joking."

My heartbeats slow down and I let myself relax.

Still with our arms around each other, Vic regards my apartment. He has an adorable little smile on his face, which radiates happiness onto me. But suddenly he freezes and tenses up.

"Are you okay?" I frown.

"Uh, there's blood on your floor," he says bluntly.

I look to where he's looking and spot a few drops of blood on the carpet. Shit. That must've been from when I ate someone the other day. Maybe there was blood on my shirt and it dripped onto the floor?

Quick, Kellin. Make up an excuse. Now!

"Oh, that," I say cheerily after a pause. "I got a bit clumsy with a beer can the other day. I tried opening it with my fingers and a sharp bit cut my finger."

Vic squints at the blood, still frozen, then slowly looks back at me with a curious expression on his face.

"Okay," he says slowly.

He doesn't believe me. Dammit, Kellin. He's probably going to think I'm some sort of murderer or cannibal...which I guess I am. Well, at least he won't think I'm a vampire.

We both just stand there and embrace each other for what feels like an eternity. Neither of us say much, but I can tell we're both lost in thought. I know he doesn't believe my beer can excuse, but I hope he believes it enough to go with it.

By the time it gets dark we're both in my bed. Neither of us know how to do this sort of thing, but we're both clumsily helping each other out. That's when I feel closest to him. Now I feel more connected to him - physically and emotionally - than ever, and I think he feels the same.

Eventually we both lie together, arms and legs intertwined, and settle to go to sleep.

"I think I love you, Kellin," Vic whispers hoarsely in my ear.

I peer up at him. Hearing him say that is the best thing that's ever happened to me, ever.

"I love you too," I whisper back, before settling back down to drift into a deep, peaceful sleep.


The first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning is Vic sitting on the end of my bed with his back to me. He's just got boxers on, and that strange wooden paw print necklace around his neck. I don't want to sound like a fangirl, but he has a really good body.

He looks around and sees that I'm awake.

"Morning Kells," he grins, leaning over to plant a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Morning," I say. "What time is it?"

"Time for me to go to work."

I watch as he puts his clothes from yesterday on. His sexy hair is a mess right now, but I think it looks ruggedly handsome. He looks at himself in my bathroom mirror and grimaces.

"Do you have a hairbrush?" he asks.

"Yeah, in the cabinet under the sink," I reply.

He takes the brush out the cabinet and starts to brush his hair. He even looks hot when he's doing something as simple as does this man look good 24/7?!

"I'm going to work," he says when he's finished getting ready. "Catch you later. Oh, and make an appointment! We're still not done with therapy."

He kisses me on the cheek again and leaves.

"You as a lover," I say, even though he can't hear me. "That's all the therapy I need."

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