Eighteen. Falling Asleep On A Stranger

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Till the end, never leave,

Fall asleep on the first I face,

And they say play the game,

You and me found love,

Lost under the shade.


I'm hoping he didn't hear me, but I'm also hoping he did. On the inside I'm screaming it out to him, but on the outside I'm staying silent. If only there was some way for him to hear the truth without me having to tell him or show him...

When it finally gets light, Kellin stirs and wakes up. He outstretches his arms and sits up on the bench.

"Hey," he says with a tired morning voice that I actually find really attractive. "What time is it?"

"Like 6am," I reply.

Kellin rubs his eyes and looks around.

"Wait, did I sleep here?" he frowns.

"Yeah," I grin. "Do you not remember?"

"I remember...um...putting my head on your shoulder and..."

Kellin looks lost in thought.

"And...?" I prompt.

"You said..."

Oh god.

"You said 'I wish I could tell you'."

My heart sinks.

"Tell me what?" asks Kellin.

I look away from him. Now what do I say? Well done, Vic. You should've kept your thoughts to yourself.

Maybe now would be a good time to tell him. I should warn him beforehand to not freak out, and hopefully he'll be okay. But what if he doesn't believe me? What if he thinks I'm crazy? I've ruined our relationship once already. I'm not going to do it again.

I look him in the eye. "Something that you wouldn't believe," I say slowly.

Kellin folds his arms. "A secret, huh? I guess that's fair. I've got plenty of those."

But have you got a secret so big that it makes you scared of yourself? Have you got a secret so big that anyone who found out would have to die? Have you got a secret so big that it takes you over in certain situations? No, I don't think so.

"Any big ones?" I question.

He looks away from me. "Yeah, a couple."

I'd like to know, but if it's anything like mine (which is highly unlikely) then it's better to respect his privacy.

"Anyway," says Kellin, smiling at me. "Did you sleep here?"

"I've been here for the whole night but I didn't sleep," I tell him.

"You didn't sleep? Aren't you tired? You don't look it."

"I'm not," I say. "I don't really...sleep much."

"But what were you doing all night?" he frowns.

"Holding you," I tell him. "For protection, in case anyone tries to steal from you or anything. Also because I like holding you."

Kellin smiles a beautiful smile and kisses me quickly on the cheek.

"Hey, I need to go to work, but if I get your number I'll text you when I'm done so we can go do something?" I say, smiling.

Kellin pulls his phone out his pocket and gives me his number.

"I'll text you after work," I say.

We kiss once more, before I get up and make my way home to get ready for work.

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