Five. Sorry

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I'm sorry for the things I've done, things I've done,
I'm sorry for the man I was and how I treated you.

I'm in the forest. It's dark; almost pitch black. The only lights we have are rays of gentle moonlight shining through gaps in the tall tress that tower over us. Katelynne stands next to me. Her hand is warm against mine. The light shines down on her from an angle that brings out her facial features, making her look even more beautiful. Her dark brown hair looks perfect - actually, all of her looks perfect. I smile at her, and she smiles back. There's nowhere I'd rather be.

But there's one thing running through the back of my mind: I'm hungry. Very hungry. I haven't eaten human meat in a while. Even though vampires can survive over ten years without it, they still get hungry. I feel twitchy; I'm awkward and nervous and very hungry, but mostly scared. I'm scared that if we kiss, I'll do something bad to her. I don't want to do anything bad to her - she's my everything. If anything happened to her...what would I do?

"So why have you dragged me off into the creepy forest in the middle of the night?" I tease.

"Correction: you dragged me off into the creepy forest in the middle of the night, after I told you I wanted to see it," she grins. "You said that it's beautiful in the moonlight."

"Well, nothing's more beautiful than you."

She gives me a georgeous smile and, without warning, pulls me into a loving kiss. Not good. Not good not good not good. I suddenly feel the urge to sink my teeth into her perfect smooth skin, and during the kiss, my eyes feel funny...

But then the kiss ends. Thank God.

She slowly wraps her arms around my waist. Her lips are at my ear and she whispers softly: "I love you."

Suddenly my vampire insticts take me over. I feel my eyes, teeth and skin change. And then my teeth are in her skin. Blood spills out her neck, where I'm biting her. I suck her neck, but not in a loving way, like I've done before. This time I'm sucking her blood. She screams and tries to wriggle out my grasp, but I'm too strong. I hold her to me as I tear a chunk of her skin away from her body. She screams louder. I hate to hear her in pain, but once a vampire gets started, they don't stop.

She aggresively scratches my face, leaving a mark, and I stumble backwards, ripping more of her skin away in the process. Clutching her neck where the skin is missing, she runs away from me, wimpering and sobbing. She's scared of me. I made her scared of me. On instict, I sprint after her.

"HELP!" she's screaming over and over again. "HELP! HELP! HELP!"

I want to help, but I'm the one who made her want help in the first place. When she trips over a log and falls flat on her face, I catch up with her. She turns onto her back, and I loom over her, loving and loathing the sounds of her terror. I glance up. The road outside the forest is near us. If she doesn't shut up, someone's going to hear us and come investigate. But for some ridiculous reason, I don't care. I carry on feasting on her, unable to control myself. She screams louder than ever.

"KELLIN!" she yells. "KELLIN, STOP! PLEASE!"

She's crying her heart out. The tears just keep coming, like waterfalls. And blood pours out of her. At last, her screams die down, and her body is completely still. A lone tear rolls down her cheek - the last tear. She's...dead.

It's at that moment when I finally realise what I've done. My eyes return to their normal color; my canine teeth return to their normal shape; my skin returns to its normal temperature. And I break down.

Wiping her blood from my face, I start to cry. At first it's slow tears, but more and more keep coming, until it's like my eyes are two waterfalls. Katelynne's temperature is dropping from being exposed to the cold night. I stare down at her, ashamed of what I've done to her; ashamed of what I've done to everyone she was close to; ashamed of who I am.

"I'm sorry, Katelynne," I whisper, my voice hoarse and trembling. "I'm so sorry..."

I'm not just crying anymore - I'm sobbing. I hold her blood-soaked lifeless body to me, willing her to come back but knowing it's too late. I press her head against my chest and weep into her hair. It's all my fault.

Then I can hear the sirens. And the headlights stare at me through the dark...


I wake up. Where am I?

I look around. I'm in my apartment in San Diego, on my couch. My phone says its 3am. I feel my heart. It's beating like crazy.

"Calm down, Kellin," I tell myself, taking deep breaths. "It was only a dream, only a dream..."

Flashback dreams are the worst. It's so hard for me to go through what I went through all again. And whenever I have a flashback dream, Katelynne always seems to be in it, which just reminds me of the monster I truly am.

I've been haunted by her ever since that awful night. I see her wonderful eyes, I hear her beautiful voice, sometimes I even smell her amazing perfume. Wherever I go, she's always in her place in the back of my mind. I might not always think about her, but I know she's always there. It's a scary thing.

I need someone to talk to, someone who will understand what it's like to have someone who is always there...I need a friend. But I have no friends anymore. All because of my stupidity that night. I suddenly feel a rush of loneliness as I let that sink in. Maybe I should go see someone tomorrow.

I lie back down again and close my eyes. Tomorrow can wait.

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