Twenty. Madness

407 31 16

At the edge of the blackness,

When you're stretched to the core,

Catch hold of the madness.

Over the next few weeks, I make as many appointments as I can with Vic. They usually involve making out for minutes in his office and embracing each other, even though we know we shouldn't be doing it during work hours. If anyone found out what he's been doing, he'd get fired. But that won't happen. I won't let it.

The love I feel for him is ever-growing, as his is for me. But there's still something about him that's mysterious. It must be his secret. I wonder what it is...


I stroll into Vic's office and we make out for a few minutes, as per usual. When the make out session is over, he asks, "So have your nightmares stopped?"

"Almost completely," I grin.

"Hmm." Vic kisses me again. "I think you might still need to continue your therapy sessions with Dr. Fuentes. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I would," I chuckle.

And we return to the make out session.

At the end of the appointment, Vic holds the door open for me and asks, "Let's do something tonight."

I grin. "Yeah, let's."

"Good. Then I'll pick you up from your apartment at eight, and I'll take you for a nice fancy dinner."

I feel a bit thrown from that sudden plan-making. "A quick organiser now, are we?"

"I get it from you." He grins at me as I leave.


Vic is right on time that evening. He takes me by the hand and leads me to an expensive-looking restaurant in the middle of town.

"I'm not sure I can afford this," I tell him.

"Well it's good that tonight's on me then, isn't it?" Vic grins.

My eyes widen. "Vic, I'm not gonna let you pay for what I get."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Kellin, when a guy says that something's 'on him', you don't say no to it. C'mon, I'm trying to be a gentleman."

I smile, blown away by his charm.

As I look at the menu, I completely ignore the fish and vegetarian lists, and head straight for the grill list. Being a vampire means you crave a lot of meat.

When the waitress comes over to our table, she asks, "Are you ready to order?"

I look at Vic. He gestures for me to order first.

"Can I have the beef steak, please?" I say.

"Of course," the waitress says. "How well done would you like it, Sir?"

RARE! my vampire self is screaming. RARE RARE RARE RARE RARE...

"As rare as I can get it," I reply.

The waitress nods and turns to face Vic. "And you, Sir?"

"I was actually going to order the exact same thing," he grins.

The waitress notes down our orders and leaves us alone.


When we've finished our meals, Vic and I make our way outside. It's dark now, and it's a little chilly. I look up to the sky and notice that it's a full moon.

"Oh hey, it's a full moon," I say.

It might just be my imagination, but I think Vic mutters "shit" under his breath.

"Uh, cool," he says apathetically.

We weave in and out of the buildings in the streets, wandering aimlessly. The shadows of the buildings towering above us provide shelter from the moon's blinding light as we walk around hand in hand. On one street, I look over and see that Vic looks really nervous and on edge.

"Vic," I say. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he says, not looking at me. I can tell he's not fine, but he probably wants to be left alone, I just ignore it and carry on walking.

On another street, a young guy with spiky brown hair comes out of a shop and waves at Vic.

"Nate!" grins Vic, letting go of my hand to give the guy a hug.

"Hey Dr. Fuentes," the guy says happily. "Nice to see you."

"You too! How are you?"

Who is this guy?

"I'm good, I'm good."

Vic looks over at me and pulls me towards the guy.

"Nate, this is my boyfriend Kellin," he says.

Hearing him call me his boyfriend makes me feel really happy inside.

"Hi," I saw awkwardly.

"And Kellin, this is Nate, one of my recent clients."

"Hey," Nate says, about as awkward as I am.

"You haven't cut anymore, have you?" Vic asks him.

"No no, I stopped that," Nate replies, showing Vic his wrists. "Actually, I was hoping to run into you."

Vic frowns. "Why? What's up?"

Nate looks around and quietens his voice slightly. "Some guy was looking for you earlier."

Vic freezes. "Some guy?"

"Yeah, he asked me if I knew you and he looked kinda dangerous so I said no."

I frown and look at Vic. He looks like he's about to have a panic attack.

"What did he look like?" he asks desperately.

"Um...tall, thin, dark hair, from what I could see he was covered in tattoos, brown eyes..."

"Okay, thanks, Nate," Vic says, trying his best not to look or sound troubled.

Vic walks away swiftly. I hurry to catch up with him.

"What was that about?" I frown.

"We need to go home," Vic says sternly, not even looking at me. "Right now."

"Why?" I ask. "Vic, who was that guy Nate was describing?"

"Someone who's a danger to both of us," Vic says plainly. "My brother, Mike."

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