Twelve. Yeah Boy and Doll Face

450 29 13

Keep talking cause I love to hear your voice.


I didn't realise Kellin was interested in meeting up again. I knew we'd both enjoyed our night at the bar, but suddenly dropping the "I'll meet you tomorrow night at the bar" thing at the end of our last appointment? I didn't know he was that forward. I feel like I'm slowly breaking my "no love" rule.

No - Kellin and I aren't a thing. We're never going to be a thing. We did share a special moment in our appointment, but that doesn't mean anything. Just meeting up with him at the bar again won't do any harm.

Will it?


At 8 o'clock the next evening, I make my way to the bar and find Kellin standing outside, waiting for me. He's wearing a black t-shirt and torn black jeans, whereas I'm wearing my work outfit because I couldn't be assed to change. He looks nicer than I ever have.

"Hi," smiles Kellin, his face lighting up when he sees me. "I honestly didn't know whether or not you were gonna come."

"Well, you didn't give me much choice," I grin. "Making plans all of a sudden at the end of our appointment yesterday was quite final."

"Yeah, sorry about that," says Kellin, rubbing the back of his neck.

Suddenly I get a whiff of...something. It's a really fresh, pure scent. Is it daisies?

"Are you wearing cologne?" I ask.

Kellin puts his arm down and blushes. "Yeah, a little." He squints at me. "How could you smell that? I hardly put any on..."

Now it's my turn to blush. "I don't know," I say awkwardly. "I just can, I guess."

Kellin looks me up and down, then says, "Anyway, let's get some drinks."

So we go inside, sit at the bar and buy drinks. As we drink, we start talking.

"You look smart," he says, sounding a little awkward.

"And you pull off the black t-shirt and jeans look better than I ever could," I reply quickly.

Why the hell did I say that? That's such a weird thing to say.

Kellin chuckles. "Thanks."

I take another sip of my drink. Don't be stupid, Vic. Keep it cool.

I look at the sleeve of black tattoos on his arm. "That's a nice arm tat," I say, smiling.

An interesting black swirly pattern runs down his whole arm.

Kellin looks down at his arm. "Oh, this? I just got it cause I thought it would look cool."

"Well, you were right," I reply. "It does look cool."

Kellin looks at me happily. "Thank you. H-have you got any tats?"

"No," I say. "It's not really my thing. My brother had a lot, though."

Now he's going to ask about my brother, isn't he? Dammit.

"I don't have a brother," he says. "Or a sister. It was kinda lonely as a kid. And I didn't have many friends either; I wasn't really a people person."

"What about now?" I ask.

"Now?" he smiles at me. "You're my friend."

Most people would be happy for this compliment, but I just feel awkward.

"Look," I say, sighing. "I like you. And I like talking to you. But I feel like...I feel like I'm getting too close to you. I'm still your therapist, and it's unprofessional."

Kellin rolls his eyes. "Vic, I'm not gonna be your client forever. You said it yourself, I'm almost ready to stop seeing you..."

"But that's the thing," I say, exasperated. "I don't want you to stop seeing me."

Oh shit. This is bad. This is very bad. I can't be doing this.

Kellin stares at me blankly. "You don't?"

"No," I sigh. "I want your nightmares to stop and everything, but..."

"I don't want to stop seeing you either," Kellin says slowly.

We stare into each other's eyes for what feels like forever. We really can't be doing this...but I don't want to stop.

I look away and suddenly feel really hot. I can tell I'm blushing like crazy. I undo the top button of my shirt and take a sip of my drink.

"What's this?" Kellin asks. Before I can stop him, he brings my necklace over my shirt and holds it in his hand. Dammit...he noticed the necklace string round my neck.

"My mom gave that to me before she died," I tell him, feeling like he's intruding.

Kellin stares at the wooden paw print on the necklace with a frown on his face.

"Why a paw print?" he asks curiously.

Oh god. What do I say?

"Uh, we had a dog for years," I say. "His name was...Floppy."

Kellin finally looks at me with an amused grin. "Floppy?"

"Yeah," I say, chuckling. "He had big floppy ears. Anyway, my brother, sister and I loved him. But then he got ill and died, so our mom made us these wooden necklaces to remember him."

I hope he bought that.

"That's really sweet," Kellin smiles. "I wish I had siblings. Then I would actually have people to talk to..."

"Don't you have any friends?"

"No," sighs Kellin. "Except you. I'm kinda lonely."

I look down at his hand on the table. It looks like it needs another hand to hold and be held, so I place my hand on his.

"I'm lonely too," I tell him. "Why don't...why don't we be lonely together?"

Kellin smiles. "I'd like that."

We talk for hours, or that's what it feels like. He has a really nice voice. It's kinda high pitched for a man, which is cute, and it's velvety smooth. I could listen to it all day. Whenever he stops talking I encourage him to carry on.

When we finish up, we leave the bar and stand outside together.

"I'll make another appointment for next week," says Kellin.

"I...I look forward to it."

Then we just stand there, staring into each other's eyes. I feel a strong connection between us, and find myself really wanting to kiss him. It looks like he wants to kiss me too, but he's not making a move. We're both on edge. This is killing me.

Well, someone's gotta do it.

I step forward and our lips come together softly. I place my hands on his face and stroke his cheekbones. I feel his hands slip around my waist. We kiss for a long time, and right there and then it's just him and me. The rest of the world is gone.

When the kiss finally ends, I say, "So I'll see you next week."

Kellin nods.

I turn and walk away.

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