Fourteen. Fast Times At Clairemont High

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I'm convinced that we don't make sense,

But I'd kill anyone who gets close.


What have I done?!

This is horrible. Why did I kiss Kellin? I have definitely broken my "no love" rule. God, why the fuck did I do that? And why did he kiss me back? He should know better. I'm his therapist, for God's sake! We can't kiss...

Okay, that's it. In our next appointment, I'm going to put my foot down.


Kellin walks into my office with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey," he says quietly, planting a kiss on my lips.

I take a step back. Kellin frowns at me. "Is...something wrong?"

"Take a seat, Kellin," I instruct, gesturing to a seat at the coffee table.

He does as he's told. I close the door and sit opposite him.

"So...what's the matter?" asks Kellin.

I can't bare to look in his eyes. I just need to get this out my system.

"We can't do this," I say seriously.

He cocks his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, this. Us. We can't. It's highly unprofessional, and you're a client..."

Kellin looks really hurt. "But...but that kiss..."

Maybe if I tell him that I'd had too much to drink, he'll understand.

"I was drunk and it didn't mean a thing," I tell him. "I'm sorry for doing it in the first place."

I see him clenching his fists angrily. "You were not drunk," he snaps.

I sigh. What do I say now?

"I think...I think it's best if we see less of each other," I say slowly.

"Seriously?" Kellin scoffs. "What about my nightmares? What about therapy?"

"Our appointments should continue, but I can't go to the bar with you anymore."

Kellin opens his mouth to say something, but decides against it. He keeps blinking. Why is he blinking so much?

Slowly he stands up and makes his way to the door. I follow him.

"I really thought you liked me back," he says coldly. "Oh, and here's a tip: next time you don't actually have feelings for someone, you probably shouldn't kiss them. It gives them the wrong idea."

I want to reply, but he leaves the room before I can.


That evening, at home, I spend hour upon hour thinking of Kellin. He thinks I never liked him, but I do. As much as I hate to admit it, I am falling for a client. Actually, I've already fallen for him. But now he's pissed off at me and he probably never wants to see me again.

What have I done?!

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