Twenty Two. Four Corners And Two Sides

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Tell me how has it taken so long for me to open up my eyes?

Tell me how has it taken so long for me to finally realise?

And when they all turn against you,

You better be prepared to fight.

I don't know what to say, or do. I feel like I'm going to faint. Vic is a...werewolf?

I think back to things he said to me.

"Vic, do you have something that you want to erase from your life?"

"I think everyone does."

He probably meant when he ripped Mike's leg off. And he did that by transforming into a wolf.

"Why did they not approve of your job as a therapist?"

"It doesn't matter, okay?"

I bet it has something to do with being a wolf.

"Are you wearing cologne?"

"Yeah, a little. How could you smell that? I hardly put any on..."

"I don't know. I just can, I guess."

Because wolves have an excellent sense of smell.

"Why a paw print?"

"Uh, we had a dog for years."

I had a feeling he was lying about that.

"You said 'I wish I could tell you'. Tell me what?"

"Something that you wouldn't believe."

I do believe in werewolves - I've seen them myself - but I can't believe that Vic is one.

"You didn't sleep? Aren't you tired? You don't look it."

"I'm not. I don't really...sleep much."

Of course...werewolves can sleep but they don't need to.

"Oh hey, it's a full moon."

"Uh, cool."

Vic did mutter "shit" under his breath! The full moon is a wolf's weakness.

It all makes sense now...

I find myself stumbling backwards into the building behind me. I steady my breathing, regain balance, and watch as Mike steps into the moonlight and transforms too. Vic is a bigger wolf, and his fur is all brown, whereas Mike's is a mix of brown and grey. Mike also only has three legs, because of what Vic did to him. They circle each other menacingly, snarling. They have such sharp teeth - sharper than my fangs, it looks like. Mike makes the first move, swiping one of his front paws at Vic's face. Vic manages to move his head away just in time, but Mike's claws catch him in the chest. The cut Mike's claws leave starts to bleed. Vic growls at the cut, clearly irritated, and swipes one of his front legs along the floor, hitting Mike's front legs and causing him to stumble over. Vic scratches his brother's back repeatedly, like a cat does a scratching post. His claws must go really deep, because Mike bleeds about ten times as much as Vic's chest cut did.

I look around. Luckily no one's here - this is crazy shit.

The fight continues very one-sidedly. Vic is clearly stronger. He beats Mike so much that eventually Mike is lying on his back, caked in blood, howling and snarling at his brother, while Vic is using his paws to extract even more blood out of him. Mike is giving up; Vic's going to kill him.

I want to tell Vic to stop - killing someone close to you is something you really don't want to do. Hell, I would know. But for some reason, I can't move. It's as if my feet are superglued to the ground. So I just stand there, stationary, as the wolf fight continues.

Suddenly Mike fights back. He sinks his teeth into one of Vic's legs. Vic howls with pain and leaps back to lick his wound clean. But as soon as there's space, Mike jumps up onto his three legs and begins to beat Vic to a pulp. He's a relentless menace. Right now he seems even stronger than Vic. Mike just doesn't stop; he uses both his claws and his teeth to battle Vic.

Vic is going to die. The man I think I love is going to die. I can't look, but I can't turn away either. I feel so powerless. Mike's got Vic on his back, crying out like a hurt puppy. Mike is tearing at Vic's fur dangerously fast. I feel a lump appear in my throat. If Vic dies, I'm nothing. But what can I do?!

Then I realise - there is something I can do. It's not the best way for Vic to find out, but Mike's going to kill him if I don't.

Come on, Kellin. Transform.

I try my best to transform, but it seems I can't do it on command. I transform when I'm angry, but it's always at the wrong times. I need to get myself angry. Think, Kellin, think!

I think back to that horrible night in the woods with Katelynne. I know Vic has been trying to make my nightmares stop, but now I want one.

She slowly wraps her arms around my waist. Her lips are at my ear and she whispers softly: "I love you."

Suddenly my vampire insticts take me over. I feel my eyes, teeth and skin change. And then my teeth are in her skin. Blood spills out her neck, where I'm biting her. I suck her neck, but not in a loving way, like I've done before. This time I'm sucking her blood. She screams and tries to wriggle out my grasp, but I'm too strong. I hold her to me as I tear a chunk of her skin away from her body. She screams louder. I hate to hear her in pain, but once a vampire gets started, they don't stop.

She aggresively scratches my face, leaving a mark, and I stumble backwards, ripping more of her skin away in the process. Clutching her neck where the skin is missing, she runs away from me, wimpering and sobbing. She's scared of me. I made her scared of me. On instict, I sprint after her.

"HELP!" she's screaming over and over again. "HELP! HELP! HELP!"

I want to help, but I'm the one who made her want help in the first place. When she trips over a log and falls flat on her face, I catch up with her. She turns onto her back, and I loom over her, loving and loathing the sounds of her terror. I glance up. The road outside the forest is near us. If she doesn't shut up, someone's going to hear us and come investigate. But for some ridiculous reason, I don't care. I carry on feasting on her, unable to control myself. She screams louder than ever.

"KELLIN!" she yells. "KELLIN, STOP! PLEASE!"

She's crying her heart out. The tears just keep coming, like waterfalls. And blood pours out of her. At last, her screams die down, and her body is completely still. A lone tear rolls down her cheek - the last tear. She's...dead.

That was the night I started hating myself. You're a monster, Kellin. The world would be better off without you. Think of Katelynne and what you did to her. You're horrible.

I open my eyes and see the world from a vampire's perspective. Mike is murdering the only person I care about in his world. And he's about to fucking pay for it.

I charge toward the two wolves and tear Mike away from Vic. I pin him on the floor and sink my teeth into his furry skin. The fur tastes disgusting, but I'm not stopping. He's a disgrace and he deserves it. He's howling in pain and trying to push me off, but when a vampire bites a werewolf, it drains strength out of them quickly. And it's the same when a werewolf bites a vampire.

I rip bits of Mike's flesh away with my teeth, repeating what I did to Katelynne. Except this time, I feel no mercy whatsoever. Mike needs to die. During the feast, Mike transforms back into a human, so I hear screams instead of howls. I actually find myself enjoying the sound of his screams - I'm such a monster. Finally the screams stop and all that's left of him is a carcass.

I take deep breaths to calm myself down. When I'm human again, I turn around slowly and see Vic in human form, staring at me with an utterly gobsmacked look. Almost his entire body is covered in blood. He has gaping wounds all over him. I stand up, wipe a bit of blood off my chin, and stare back at him. We're both panting; transforming is exhausting.

Tonight we've both seen each other's true forms for the first time. And that means a vampire and a werewolf are in love. What the hell are we going to do now?

"I think we need to talk," Vic says slowly.

"Yeah," I reply. "I think we do."

Blood For Blood - A Kellic FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now