Anything for You

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I couldn't sleep at all last night afraid that Dr. Craster would come and find me or something. I even put a chair up against the front and back doors for a little extra protection. And it's now 11 in the morning and I'm still sitting in my bed, only getting up to eat and use the bathroom. All the curtains are closed leaving me in complete darkness. Dr. Craster was already bailed out. The man is filthy rich.

I still haven't called Kim back, but I did text to let her know I'm okay. Ben called and texted me, but I haven't replied fearing the conversation would lead to what happened yesterday. So far, Kim is the only one who knows, along with what a few people saw and heard at the office.

I'm laying in my bed watching The Princess and the Frog when I hear the doorbell ring. I check the security camera from my phone and it's Ben. I go to answer the door.

"Hey. Are you okay? You didn't answer any of my texts." He smiles. Yup. He is still cute. "I'm hoping I am not coming across as clingy, I just wanted to check on you."

I was shocked when he said that. It was like he was reading my mind. "Uh. Yeah. Thanks." I didn't know how to respond.

"Do you mind if I come in?" He asks gently.

Without saying anything I motion him inside.

Ben started. "So, you've been missing my calls and haven't been answering my texts. Are you good? Did I do something?"

I was shocked he thought he thought my change of behavior was because of him. "No, no, you didn't do anything. Just had a rough day at the office." I replied.

"I can only imagine." He smiled. "But who wouldn't want to have you as their patient? I know I would love to."

"Of course you would you weirdo." I laughed, but then I jumped at the sound of something that must've fallen or moved in the house. I went quiet.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Ben asked.

"I'm fine, really. I guess the day is getting to me." I said. "Can we talk later? I think I want to take a nap." I lied. I just wanted to hide in my room and prepare for another night hoping Dr. Craster didn't want to find me.

"Yeah. You know where to find me if you need me." Benicio pecked me on the forehead and left.

I just wanted to be alone.


I woke up in the middle of the night to another sound. I was sure my mind was playing tricks on me, but, of course, I never knew for sure.

I was contemplating everything.

Should I have seen the sign? Was it wrong of me to have been in his office alone? Was I wrong for being so short with him?

I can't even sleep. I can't even tell Benicio. I want to tell Benicio.

I got up, wrapped my blankets around me and grabbed my phone. I peeked out of my bedroom door out of fear and scurried out the door to Bencio's house.

I knocked, not knowing if he was going to answer because it was the middle of the night. Not long after knocking, he came to the door in a t-shirt and boxers.

He immediately opened the door and pulled me into a hug. "Você está bem, Meu Amor? Que ocorre (are you okay, what's wrong)?"

I started crying. I whispered into his shoulder. "If it's okay, can I stay the night? Something happened and I'm scared."

"Always." He whispered back. We walked in the house and went to his room. "I never thought I would be asking this, but would you like to sleep with me in my bed?" He smiled slightly.

I chuckled through my tears. "Yeah."

We got into the bed and he scooched a little more towards me.

I looked into his eyes. "Thank you, Benicio."

He kissed me. "Anything for you, Meu Amor."


I finally updated guys 😋. I'm really going to try to keep updating consistently. I honestly thought this story wasn't going to be as popular as it is, that's why I didn't plan to update that much. but I'm happy you guys like it. I love you guys 🤎

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