Who is this Girl?

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It was the afternoon and I was doing some research for work when I got a knock at the door. I peaked out of the side window. Mierda (fuck). It was Mama and the rest of the family. O que diabos está acontecendo! (what the hell is going on).

I opened the door. "o que você está fazendo aqui (what are you doing here)?" I barked.

Mama was angry. "Is this how you greet your family? Is this how you greet your mother who has been trying to help you stay afloat in life? I am disappointed." She cursed.

I wanted to yell. Instead, I tried to keep calm and let them all in. I didn't understand why they ALL had to come. If this was between Mama and me, why did she bring everyone? She was always bringing everyone else into someone else's business.

I was happy to see everyone except Mama and my older brother, Arturo. Arturo always made things difficult. He wasn't even married yet Mama was always on me about finding a wife! I don't understand. Such a kiss up to Mama too. Arturo and I were always in disagreement with each other. Actually, he was in a disagreement with me more than I was with him. Cirilo, my youngest brother, treats me how a brother should be treated. We get along well. Then there were Faren, Alice, and Iara. All three of them and I all loved each other. I was worried the girls would take after Mama and Cirilo would take after Arturo, but I kept their minds clean. Of course, Papa did too, but that's his nature. He wants the best for his children.

My sisters, Cirilo and I were all feeling the tension in the room and decided to step outside to chat. It was quickly interrupted when Mama pulled us all back into the house.

"So where is this other girl, Benicio?" Mama grimaced with her hands folded across her chest. "Eu não posso acreditar que você fez isso. Voce tem que ir pra casa (I can't believe you would do this. You need to come home). Seriously, Benicio!" She yelled as her eyebrows furrowed.

Arturo stepped towards me. "Think you can move to America to escape from me? Gracioso (funny)."

"Listen, get away from me. Por que está aqui? Não se preocupe comigo. Você deve começar a ver como eles gritam com as pessoas(Why are you even here? You don't care about me. You must get off on seeing people get yelled at). Ha." I chuckled slightly looking fiercely into my brother's eyes.

Arturo put his fists together. "Eu não tenho medo de lutar contra meu próprio sangue (I'm not afraid to fight my own blood)." He spat.

"Ay, Ay." Mama cut in. "Where is the girl, Benicio?"

I sat down at the table. "I'm not letting you meet her. Not until you have a change of heart about this situation." I stated.

She gave a loud sigh. "Fine. Fine! I changed my mind about this whole thing. Where is she?" The rest of the family, except for Arturo of course, gave her a look. We knew she was lying.

"No, Mama. That's final."

"That's final? Wow, Benicio. I guess you finally turned into a man."

"I've always been a man!" I slammed my fist down on the table. "You've just been too busy trying to set me up with women who don't care about me or themselves so they can have our money and become even more selfish while I cheat with other women and lose respect for everything and everyone! Look at Arturo if you want to see the opposite of a man! You're lucky you have Papa. He treats you like a queen even though he puts up with your shit!"

The family was shocked. I mean, even I was shocked. Arturo was more mad than shocked though. If anyone insults his manhood he becomes livid.

Mama walked to the front door. "Well, if that's how you really feel then I think it's time for me to go. Let's go, Silvano," she said calmly and she motioned for Papa to follow. He gave a sad, gentle wave to me. I nodded and waved back. I know he agreed with what I had said, but he doesn't have the strength to disobey Mama. Arturo followed behind. "Girls. Cirilo. Let's go." Mama ordered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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